
Find some black parents and have the talk with them. It’s going to get worse the older he gets.

I’m endlessly curious about their excuse for pulling him over in photo 2, since he wasn’t even driving.

Is he in LA? I’m a white looking Hispanic who lived in LA during high school. I lived with my grandparents, and two of my “visibly” Panamanian cousins. One was my soccer coach, and one taught math at my high school, so they drove me everywhere.

I just do not understand how other people cannot see the evidence. I mean, here’s the thing: I’m white, it does not happen to me. But I can see evidence of it constantly happening to other people. These people are almost always black. Therefore logic stands to reason that their being black has something to do with why

I, white woman, got pulled over a few times way back in my sassy youth, usually for speeding. Regardless of the vehicle, from old junker to borrowed BMW, I was usually able to quickly smile my way out of the ticket. And yeah, I was actually speeding all the times I got pulled over.

What do you think?

I know a white person who has been pulled over more frequently than Chris Rock. However, she’s a horrible driver and SHOULD be pulled over frequently. In fact she should be banned from driving.

I still find that excessive. I have never been stopped. My husband has never been stopped. Why? Are we really just awesome drivers?

Unless Rock is the world’s worst driver, which I doubt, 3-4 times a year is still a lot.

One of my children is half black, so this is very disturbing to me. I met his father years ago when he was dating a black woman, and he would confide in me the same sort of issues: police, getting looks from store owners, etc etc. Now my son is getting to the age when he will be driving, and it is just so alarming.

Transition lenses are probably the whitest thing ever so you think they would help him in this case.

Well, yeah. The presence of a black man in the car means that they're going to get drugs. Everyone knows that.

This is what happens to Black people when we don’t drive a Prius instead. #Adapt

He also got pulled over when he was a passenger in Jerry Seinfeld’s car last year while filming Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

Passengers matter when the cops stop you.

That’s infuriating. I hope his documenting this helps demonstrate the reality of the problem. White people are so fucking stubborn, though, refusing to see the well-documented racism we’ve been talking about for years.

The very same people who may imply things like “low-riders” or “loud bass” or “drooping pants.”

To be fair, he does look scary. Wearing transitions glasses? Might as well be sunglasses at night. We all know that’s what the criminal “thug” element wears.

What, by being white instead?

and in 3, 2, 1 - there will be people writing about how he should just drive better.