
Because Twitter randomly switches between local time and UTC when displaying embedded tweets.

Ummm, excuse me: "Barbera"??

I'm sorry, but ms. Streisand would not tolerate the "Barbera."

In case anybody missed it, the FBI released data on the number of crimes in the US in 2012. For Newtown, CT the number of murders is listed as 0. Rather than a mistake or oversight, the tinfoil hat brigade have taken this to mean the FBI is admitting Sandy Hook was a hoax.

Oh my God people make such a big deal out of these things. They're children! They're resilient! Children can survive being submerged in frozen lakes! Jesus, I'm sure they're fine. What, like none of you ever stuck a baby in a freezer for a while when it wouldn't stop crying?

Fellow Parents: I get it. The job is hard. You need time to yourself. Wine is great.

When every condescending asshole informs me that I need to have children I should have articles like this saved.

Considering that neither of these parents are Nordic, I doubt either of them can exactly plead "culture".

people don't seem to realize that while parenting doesn't have to entirely change your life, it often does.

They call that Irish twins. Siblings who are in the same year at school but not actually twins. My mum has one, her sister is 11 months younger (they are actually also Irish).

"the temperature was one degree Celsius."

Between negligent parents like these knuckleheads, and "concerned bystanders," I will never be able to run into the grocery store for a gallon of milk alone ever. I just couldn't take the chance on a "concerned bystander," even when it's 55 degrees and cloudy outside and I parked in the shade.

But but but but it wasn't hot outside! They only warn us about the heat!

...why didn't they just take their kids inside with them? Said the youngest child of 2 alcoholics.

And aside from that, they'd be driving home drunk.

Wow. People who need to have 'information provided to them" that leaving toddlers stationary in freezing conditions is not ok should not be allowed to have children.

Who thinks that this shit is still a good idea? I mean how many stories are there now about parents doing this? And this one didn't even end with the kids getting hurt!

WTF. No. Sorry. This isn't a case of a single mom leaving her kids in a car so she can go to a desperately needed job interview. Which you still SHOULD NOT DO. This is fucking lazy parents going to a WINE TASTING and leaving their kids to freeze because...they didn't want to shell out for a babysitter? Fuck these

"Just copulated with the lightly hirsute Edelman. Earlier at the bacchanalia, he displayed his abdominal brawn to the hoi polloi. Quelle horreur! (of course I mean that ironically) "

Julien Edelman bailed rather quickly as he grew tired of being asked to give some insight into the evolution of the market economy in the southern colonies.