
I never said she shouldn't be making music. I just think she's done a lot to stay in the spotlight and "remain relevant" outside of the music. She was revolutionary when she first debuted but she hasn't really evolved as time has progressed and what she's been doing in the past several years just seems like a

"Is this what aging feels like? How soon before I start shooing children off my lawn and squeezing my guinea pigs just a little too tight when I dress them in their little outfits?"

She has more money then god. Why she can't sit down, relax, and enjoy it is something I will never understand. Nobody's telling you not to make music, darling, but I don't think you realize how it is to watch the desperate pushing.

It's kind of my get home from work brain release.

If SVU is entering it's 17th season, why is every single episode on USA one that I've seen 20 times?

How are people still watching SVU? Or are they new viewers? How many stories can you watch about (mostly) women and children being victimized in terrible ways?

I always had a thing for Geena Davis. Super smart, pro-level archer, gorgeous, great actress. She shoulda been bigger.

"The rationale being that the more financial risk and burden consumers have to take on, the better their choices will be about how they spend their healthcare dollars."

Exactly what choices are those? Shopping around for someone to set a compound fracture or administer a triple bypass isn't exactly like getting a new

Jesus HarryHamilin Christ, they think if it costs more for me to get healthcare, I'll spend on healthcare wiser? That's what they think happens? Shit, I have healthcare now and I debate over whether I should see a doctor over an issue and spend a few months paying bills or "wait it out" to see what happens. My

OKAY THEN. If and when I get cancer, I will be sure to choose wisely and get the cheaper kind.

Me rn

Luckily they're too dumb to heed my advice (woe betide them all). Get those emails coming, folks!

See, I'm on the opposite end of things here.

Thank you for that, I think it's true a lot of the time. Not all men are bad, not all men are creeps, not all men are oblivious. I think it's just so different to be frightened on the regular. I think one the most profound things my ex-husband ever said to me was "Before I fell in love and cared so much about a woman,

Multiple studies have been done about how stress manifests itself in your body and can take over your life.

I envision myself on like, Hoarders: Beauty Edition, crying and clinging to my expired tubes of mascara and eye cream samples. "No, not those! THOSE ARE GOOD!"

And BB creams in all the shades that don't match my skin. I can't bring myself to throw all the useless samples away.

Between my birchbox subscription and Sephora addiction (every purchase tacks on three free samples PLUS samples from accumulated VIB points), my bathroom is overflowing with samples in addition to tubes of stuff that should be thrown out but that still hang out for some reason.

Yes, it has escaped your gaze, I guarantee it.

I had the WORST boss a few years ago. He was a micro managing tyrant. You come out of the bathroom (that his office was right across the hall from) I didn't hear the hand dryer did you wash your hands?? Yes, I washed my hands the blow air thingy hand dryer is making them chapped. (couldn't say that) You can only have