
That's why they use it, to reduce a woman down to her reproductive system. It's interesting that he used that term and then seems shocked that women from his party decided they would like agency over theirs.

Makes them sound like breeding stock on a farm, I wonder why they didn't vote with him?

The use of "females" instead of "women" drives me up the motherfucking wall.

"Our Republican females"

Leading to the same question I ask of anyone working-class, middle-class, or a woman, or LGBT or really, any minority in the country, even those with money: How can you align yourself with these people who do not respect you, do not want to speak to or for your interests and issues, and take every chance to remind


"Most of the conference was 100 percent in favor of the bill..."

Funny how the people WITH uteruses opposed it.

I wore my mom's dress. As she handed over the box to me, she said, "I'm sure you will have to take it in A LOT. I was very chunky in 1968." Cut to me trying on the dress a few weeks later at the alteration place. Dress fit me like a glove. That was like delayed shade.

I bought my wedding dress in a city where none of my friends or relatives lived because we had just moved when we decided to get married. I went shopping alone. I thought it was going to be sad but it was nice, I could really chose what I liked the most. When I was trying on my favorite dress the mother of another

This is an important and correct thing to point out.

Kathy has nothing on Mama Joyce

The moment at which you start screaming and hurling swears at an employee is the moment at which you deserve absolutely no sympathy or understanding whatsoever.

I'm just going to share this story from last Saturday. A good money-making night- the restaurant is packed, we're trying to turn over tables. Of course half of them are fucking campers. So when another 8 top of 40 something year olds roll in, I'm begging my manager to give them to me. Bright eyed and with an imaginary

"I really hate to be that guy and to stick up for coffee latte lady"

I've heard of that whole stack of bills on the table thing before and I literally cannot think of a better way to guarantee your food will get fucked with. Seriously, don't piss your waitress off before your food even gets to the table.

Assholes are assholes and will always find a way to be so, I guess. I once had a guy tell me to pick the green olives out of his pasta (our olives are a sliced mix of green and black—not something you can really sift through) and threaten to have me fired when I pointed out that it was the lunch rush, there were 30

Oh, fuck those note leaving assholes. Fuck them right in the ear.

He goes on to explain that every time a "waitress" does something he doesn't like, he takes a dollar off the stack and puts it back in his wallet. According to him, this guarantees EXCELLENT "waitress" behavior.

I feel like that crazy Coffee Latte story needs to be a Hyperbole and a Half blog post, it needs Allie's glorious illustrations to depict that woman's rage.