
That NOSE!! BOOP-a-rama over here :-)

You would know better than me if you went to law school! I know there's zero chance of anything like that being ratified, but I'd be so curious to know how/if it could be done.

The process of amending the Constitution would thereby make that particular form of discrimination legal. See also: slavery, prohibition, etc.

I like a large cat. They go good with strongly-held opinions.

This guy has been, is, and always will be a fucking moron.

Shit, he wouldn't have been allowed in the store to get to the lunch counter. Also, if he goes to some rural parts of Indiana, he would STILL have problems!

It takes a very brave politician to come right out and say "I'm not FOR discrimination".

Not like all those other politicians and their tired "Dude, I fucking love discrimination! I discriminate always because it's the funnest!" interview responses. No, this guy is different. He has the temerity to say he's not FOR

I also invite everyone to laugh at this screencap from the Jindal video, where people are fervently praying to Subway.

Dear Bobby,

You see, he's not for hypocrisy, but he is for cognitive dissonance.

Stay out of the sandbox Bobby, the cats will try to bury you.

It's like the ones that say they are "Christians" but do not support helping the poor.

Jindal knows full well that an amendment to the U.S. Constitution will never actually happen.

I think you're driving at the idea that since we already discriminate against certain types of marriage, discriminating against gay marriage is also okay. Am I wrong?

Rather than get upset over this douchebag's comments that make zero sense, instead I invite you all to laugh at this picture that makes zero sense.

This asshole was just in London and he managed to piss off everyone by lying about no go zones for non-Muslims. Republicans you are obsessed with spreading lies about UK (including the NHS), so please leave us alone even UK Conservatives think you guys need to get a new hobby.

This fucking guy kills me. It wasn't too long ago that he wouldn't have been allowed to sit at the lunch counter either and he's on board with anti gay marriage nonsense? He should be ashamed of himself.

To sum: Wah Wah wah wah...wah wah wah wah wah.

The upside to all of this is that Jindal will not ever rank higher than he does as a Governor of lower state (as seen by the GOP). A few years ago they thought putting their strength behind him as a "minority leader' would help them, but the GOP has since lost faith. He'll never be a unifying factor considering all