
Every 3 to 3.5 weeks I work 240 hours. Makes perfect sense it would take LiLo nearly 3 years to do 120.

Lohan puts the Quit in mosquito. (sorry, i'll show myself out now.)

Someone needs to take a stand against Big Mosquito! They've been sucking us regular folk dry for YEARS!

We have some very scary politicians who like to punish women for the actions of men.

The definition of rape shouldn't be an issues, because access to abortions shouldn't be an issue. End of story.

Santorum spoke at the event. The same Santorum whose wife had a non-abortion abortion at 20 weeks because of complications. IOKIYAR.

I knew it, I knew it. Due to the abortion funding bill they introduced, they are going to redefine what rape is to suit their narrative. Ultimately the only thing they will view as rape will be a scary man dragging a virginal woman in to the bushes to have his way with her.

Whoa... we got bigamy, leaking implants, counter lawsuits to end the marriage, and someone named Lolita?

But we have to have enemies, otherwise this country would cease functioning! WE GOTTA HATE SOMEONE

I don't know who invented Joni Ernst's style of speech delivery, but they really need to be shot. The whole lips-pinned-to-the-cheeks, show-your-teeth, make-every-word-important affectation is horrible. Even if she were sincere in her sentiments, her delivery has murdered them and buried them in a shallow grave

As an Iowan, I am in shame that this woman "represents" us. The only reason she does is gerrymandering.

I realize Fidel Castro has done some brutal, horrible shit in his day, but I hope the fucker never dies. Are there more self important, hyperbolic people in the US than Miami based Cuban Americans who are convinced Castro is the number one threat to everything good and decent in the world? Memo: It's not fucking 1962.

That'll fool those la-teen-ohs!

It's funny how they try. Every Hispanic knows by now that they want to reverse DACA and we are pissed. A flimsy speech is not going to erase that fact from our minds.

I've heard this tune before.

Holy god, that was the most canned, rehearsed-sounding speech I've heard in a long while. The tone and cadence were pure Sally Struthers PSA. I kept expecting her to tell us that for just pennies a day, we could ensure that poor Iowa school children would have more than one pair of shoes.

It really does not matter who gives the Republican response, what their words are, or how they say them. You could have a human-sized bag of flour just stand there for five minutes and Republicans would still praise it as giving a better speech than Obama. Partisanship and ideology make everything, including talking,

They needed to use the whole pic.

She's creepy.

Murrell' writing on this matter is superb. It really drives home the sadism of men like this. What do they fantasize will happen if women who know they do not want a developmentally disabled child, or who are pregnant with a fetus doomed to early and painful death can't abort? How does this play out in their hallmark