

Do you have a US passport? You can get a duplicate passport that will allow you to travel to countries that won't let you in due to passport stamps from conflicting countries.

Someone would probably declare a fatwa or something and behead her.

u speld Miss Japan rong. :P

Miss Lebanon's first language probably uses a different script.

I'll take a photo bomb over a suicide bomb any day

You know that ain't coffee in her cup.

It's like some weird combination of "Mean Girls" and tense, bloody international politics.

Miss Israel is clearly the one holding the camera in the original picture, so Miss Lebanon's "she tooootally wanted pics with me but I shut her down!!!" excuse is not really working. Also, rude.

Miss Slovenia looks like a troublemaker.

Also, if anything, it looks like Miss Lebanon is in Miss Israel's selfie b/c clearly Miss Israel is the one holding the friggin' camera.

something tells me she didn't wish for world peace during her interview segment

Miss Lebanon didn't even spell "Israel" right in her stupid fucking post.

Aren't you the one who was screaming at some poor thing in pissing contest for getting drunk at a museum gala, in a room without any displays?

Good for you Jen. Seriously that shit IS tired. Plus, don't tabs (I mean ET is pretty much a tab) have enough material to work with from the Kardashians? Can't they let a 1o year old story go already?

Right. Just so that I'm clear:

We're going to get to the point that no person under 18 is allowed to be alone at home or in public at any time. They will then be drop kicked across the threshold on their birthday and left to their own devices to figure out how to tie their own shoes. I agree 100% with the parents on this one.

Two or three years ago my friend ran to the local CVS at 7 pm. Her 12 year old stayed in the car. Friend is waiting to pick up her prescription and a woman comes into the waiting area and asks waiting patrons if any of them owns (friend's car), in the parking lot with a child inside. Friend speaks up thinking maybe

Just like in the 50s, children now are at much greater risk from adults they know than from strangers. There has been no point in recent history in which children have been significantly victimized by street crime.

Danielle and Alexander Meitiv of Washington D.C.