
I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

So, obviously people should not be dumping garbage cans over people's cars, but I sort of feel like the nurse is also being a jerk here. She's threatening to quit and leave the family high and dry over something the family did not do and has no control over?

That's scathing coming from a Canadian.

All of that. She is the worst. She is the fakest human being I have ever seen, and she's conniving as hell. Good for Lupita. Throw that shade girl. Kenya is about 10 levels below you.

The funniest interaction between human beings I have ever seen was when a good ol boy from Alabama tried to hit on my Boston Irish friend. She told him to go fuck himself and he said "well golly I've never heard a lady cuss like that". She stared at him for a good 30 seconds and then said "what ah you fehkin

I thought about it, but he also likes to kick cats so I thought i'd bump him up a rung

or wicked

um you didn't say "fuck" or "fuckin" NEARLY

"It's not terrible but it's not great."

NYC has such an infinite number of superior burger joints at every price point that the only people I can imagine eating there are tourists who don't know any better.

I've got seven great non-chain burger places within walking distance of my apartment. Brooklyn needs Wahlburgers like we need a second artisinal mayonnaise store.

It's about ethics in felines.

I also hate tall cats.

Are people really excited about this? There just seems like so many better places. Five Guys, In-N-Out (not in NYC but you guys have all the others, basically), Shake Shack, Steak 'N Shake, etc... and then there are non-fast food places with great burgers like Eats and Spotted Pig and Whitehall.


You're very welcome. My aim is to spread better ways to insult people.

Marky Mark hasn't gotten much of a pass, especially since news broke of his application for a pardon towards the end of 2014. And given that Deval Patrick is gone and Charlie Baker is highly unlikely to grant the request (were it to actually reach his desk), seems clear Mark won't get his wish for a cleared record

Oh. A Wahlburgah, huh? What's it made owtah? Sure as hell ain't made owtah cow? Cow shit maybe. Ain't no cow.

If we're willing to excoriate celebrities over allegations that they're abusive pieces of shit (however extremely likely said allegations may be), we should probably be morally consistent and not give free publicity to a guy who has several assaults (some of which were racially motivated) sitting right there on the