
So this ended up being the opposite of kicking everyone out (although it started out that way) For my brother's wedding-my sister in law has a long standing beef with one of her sisters and to cut down on drama decided to not have any family members in the wedding party. Except the one sister she likes. Needless to

I was in a wedding party where the bride booted the maid of honor from the wedding during the bachelorette party. Excessive booze, crying, hot tub fighting - it was all very Real Housewives-esque.

Long story, but the lesson learned: No matter how well-meaning, holding an intervention for your friend's ill-advised engagement is a good way to get kicked out of the wedding party. And if she changes her mind and re-invites you, make sure you reply within an hour or she'll dis-invite you. Again.

Police Officer: HANDS UP!
Ohio State Fan: [makes "o"]
Ohio State Fan: [makes "h"]
Ohio State Fan: [makes "i"]
Police Officer: [uses entire can of spray]

I understand wanting to use tear gas on OSU fans as a general principle, but c'mon, you at least have to let them fuck up before you do it.

why the fuck are police officers confronting american civilians wearing fucking camouflage?

Scanners carried more than 40 reports of fires, mostly in dumpsters, but with at least three couches set ablaze

The hotness is overwhelming.

So several months ago I got an e-mail from Blue Nile about wedding bands, and in it was an ad for Her and Her, Him and Him, and Him and Her. I haven't gotten around to deleting that email. It was just really nice to see some inclusiveness in the wedding biz, especalially considering that every ad by every company


That lady is seriously fucking metal.

"At this point my dick is fully retreated into my stomach and my nuts were following close behind."

I would be glad to personally subsidize an all-you-can-catch lobster deal for him.

I've seen gratuitously macho stuff that looked painful, but I've never seen anything close to the badassery of cauterizing one's own wound. That woman was either special forces or member of a motorcycle club. Holy shit.

When I worked fast food I would constantly work a closing shift followed immediately by an opening shift. So let's say 7pm to 1 am and then 4 am to 11am (or 1pm).

As far as I know, there are no laws against that. There should be, obviously, but there aren't.

How can it be legal to ask someone who finishes a shift at 3 or 4am to come in at 5am for another shift? That seems shady as fuck.

Let us all remember Saint Basil and his gallant sacrifice, amen.

Ladies and gentleman, I give you the tale of Saint Basil Fuckoff, the patron saint of waiters and bartenders.

"It's not wild chicken."