
The only reason I'd believe in a hell is so that all these fuckers get sent there when they die.

Monsters could be an appropriate term for the men of Boko Haram who carry out these atrocities, I agree that calling them animals is a total insult to animals, who are for the most part peaceful and non-shitty beings, unlike humans (I know I'm exagerating about humans but fuck, this week has been just discouraging and

Human sacrifice bombing

i feel really uncomfortable using the term suicide with a 10 year old.

This wasn't a ten year old girl suicide bomber. This was a ten year old girl murdered to murder other people. Fuck that shit.

If there is anything more despicable and cowardly than this...grown men too pussy to go to their own deaths they have to send a baby to do their mass murder for them. I fucking hope there's a god and I fucking hope there's a hell and I fucking hope they burn in it forever

Can we change the language to 'used a girl to carry out' and 'used the women to carry out' cause none of these women/children had an option.

Oh, my fucking God...

I've never liked him. He's a loud-mouth who constantly thinks he's the smartest person in the room. He's always been a cruel asshole, it's just that now more people are waking up to it. Even when he makes a good point, you have to weigh it against all the horrible shit he says.

This dude deserves the totally awesome one-liner you quoted.. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"

One never knows until the shit hits the fan.

I'm so glad he survived!

Why did he leave the freezer? What did he do on the outside?

What a wonderful courageous man he is. But bigots like Bill Maher and Rupert Madoch will ignore this fine gentleman because it contradicts their belief that good Muslims are scarce and not enough of them are denouncing terrorists.

I'm glad to see so many stories about the Muslims (by faith or tradition) affected by this violence (Ahmed, the police officer who was killed; Moustapha, the Charlie Hebdo copy editor; and this man). In most of the American reporting on Islamic extremist violence, the fact that many (and sometimes most) of the victims

How will they report it? Easy — they won't.

Don't forget #JeSuisAhmed

I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I would ever have the courage, nor the quick-thinking skills if I were to be in a similar situation.
