Student in a classroom in the year 2091: “Mrs. Throckmorton, are you telling me that a man named Weiner did stupid things with his penis, and thereby set off a chain reaction that brought about the collapse of all civilized society?”
Student in a classroom in the year 2091: “Mrs. Throckmorton, are you telling me that a man named Weiner did stupid things with his penis, and thereby set off a chain reaction that brought about the collapse of all civilized society?”
Everyone has an obligation to disobey unlawful orders and we shouldn’t forget it. I’m glad Sally Yates did the right thing; I have a feeling that is going to be a rare occurrence over the next four years.
wow you left out this part:
I think they’re just testing the waters.
+1 Pun
Kim K. is educating people. Trump is president. A nazi is on the security council. If I believed in end time prophesies I’d be hiding in the basement right now. Actually, brb...
#1 first dress (including headband): Eva Mendes
There was a really great piece about someone being hit by a bus once. Forget who wrote it, but it was really good!
Why? Whyyyyyyyyy???
This is a safe space.
Saw this on Instagram:
Spencer did nazi that coming....
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is impressed on the magnitude of the dump that Trump has released on the American public.
Why does Trump always have that scowl in his official pictures? It’s like he hasn’t taken a dump in 4 days.
Where in Hogwarts is Carmen SanDiego?
Lord knows no one is going to hold that against this particular illegal immigrant.