
I got the feeling they are more concerned about other parts of the world. FedEx ships to 220 countries and territories, per their website.  I assume they need FAA permission since some of the flights to those other parts of the world will originate in the US.

Makes a hard man humble.

One big ass spider living in your bamboo lounger.

Wow, this is a super awesome piece of news for Navient to announce 3 weeks after selling my account to another company.

“sole queer representation on a contemporary Star Trek show in 2022"

“sole queer representation on a contemporary Star Trek show in 2022"

I hate mandatory minimums. I hate the cultural focus on prison as the only solution for crime and criminals.

I’m pretty anti-prison, and I want real criminal justice reform, so the idea of an 18 year old being warehoused and incarcerated for four years is not an appealing one to me either.  

friends who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are fine with eating meatless products cooked on/in the same surface as meat.

All of that would be overshadowed by GOP fake criticism (like blaming this administration for all the obvious repercussions of supply shortages that arose naturally from the end of extended Covid lockdowns and travel restrictions.) Not to mention their latest straw man - CRT. That’s all it would take to beat the Dems

In terms of who this is for, several of my friends who are vegetarian for ethical reasons are fine with eating meatless products cooked on/in the same surface as meat. Unless you’re super strict about it (and yes, many vegetarians/vegans are) it’s not an issue. And, anecdotally, these folks are super stoked to eat KFC

a beer-like beverage made from fruit.

Gotta love that he managed to squeak out a equivocating dogwhistle while covering his ass by pretending to condemn fascism and Nazism (i.e., equating Marxism to the other two -isms; the dogwhistle here is that the GOP has been relentless in connecting anything regarding civil rights, social justice, and

This is a good law.

Edit: I think I’m getting mixed up because of our dumb, gerrymandered districts that are being challenged right now. I see on Aiken’s website that he’s referring to the “newly drawn 6th,” while I was looking at the old 6th/4th maps.

Correction: Price is the 4th District. Aiken is running in the 6th. I actually really like Price. He’s ancient, but he has a ton of institutional knowledge and is very receptive to his constituents. He even spoke at a class I co-taught and had thoughtful, progressive answers for students’ questions about urban

It’s funny how in the real world, everyone chastises old people as out of touch, unskilled, and pretty much refuses to hire them in most areas of the private sector, yet our government is almost exclusively run by them.

They’ve already printed Punisher skulls on ‘em, and even that didn’t really work.

Many of them might not. My sister worked on a covid unit at the beginning of covid in march-may 2020 and later transferred to a non-covid unit. She said everyone who worked on covid units “got it” and got vaccinated as soon as that became available. People who worked in non-covid units often downplayed covid and

The human race is just determined to die of stupidity, one way or the other...