
You don’t need to outrun it. You just need to outrun enough people to satisfy the creature’s appetite.

Well put.

That commercial felt an hour long.

Fantastic! Please bring us more amazing animations.

More of these articles please Cheryl!

Pretty sure she’s a True Believer.  That’s who the GOP voters want in office now.

It’s all so transparently performative. Don’t get me wrong, she’s stupid and crazy, but if she really wanted to impeach Biden she is one of only a few hundred people in the world who could actually bring a motion to do it. It would fail, of course, but if she really believed it were the right thing to do and good for

She... has to be just a persona, an actor, right? She just spews inflammatory bullshit that’ll get her elected in one extremely backward Georgia district, for example, she doesn’t believe that Biden abused his power to an impeachment level by his second day in office... right? ‘Cause if not, I’m surprised that that

If there’s anything I’ve learned from the last two years, is that when faced with the task of doing what is right for the greater good, many people will choose not to.

We’re fucked.

Of course, Betty White was born Betty Grey: She became Betty White after falling in battle with the Balrog and rising victorious from the depths.

The film implied that it was incumbent on the US, Tech Company and only the US Tech Company, to solve the crisis.

The people I know who need to see this movie will just be mad about all the swearing. 

By ignoring the larger world, the filmimplies that if the US can’t save the day, then the day can’t be saved.

It’s only when things fall apart can we muster the resources to tackle an issue.

It doesn’t help that we keep accomplishing things that seem like they should mark a turn-around, but they never do. You elect the right people only for them to be ultimately powerless. You support local candidates only to find that they’re outnumbered. We had all three arms of government for a minute in the late ‘00s

This is too true. The “raising awareness” part of climate change is past. The message has been beat into the ground. Those who get the message still get it. They’re the ones watching this movie. They congratulate each other on how smart they are and upvote it. Those who don’t want to get the message either won’t watch

If “Don’t Look Up” had come out in 2017 under President Clinton, it would have been a “There But For The Grace Of God Go Us” moment - we narrowly dodged having an absolutely incompetent and venal celebrity president in hock to the worst elements of society leading the country at a moment of global crisis.