
I mean, I loved ‘The Usual Suspects’ and a good Peter Falk impersonation as much as the next guy, but is Kevin Pollack suddenly cool and I didn’t know about it?  

The first clue was the 1877kars4kids spot about halfway through.

Though again, placing the blame solely on drought might also be a bit reductive.

“Traditionally, archaeologists thought large constructions were done by hierarchical societies with elites and rulers,” Inomata said. “But we now see that those large and standardized spaces could be built by people without pronounced inequality.”

Dock workers do not require an abundance of skill. But they do require being honest and hard working. And since this is in some of the most expensive regions in the country, with one of the worst housing markets for people looking to put a roof over their heads, *SHIT WAGES* aren’t going to cut it.

Shouldn’t y’all be working just a bit harder to disguise your sponsored content? This “article” is a pretty blatant ad.

While this seems to make sense, it’s important to remember that the current SCOTUS is a political body disguised as a Judicial one. And I can perfectly see them strucking down any attempt from liberal States of using the same bullshitery Texas played, but now against guns rights, while upholding the Texas law, by the

Holy Advertorial, Gizmodo!

And nearly all of the world’s major governments and businesses all *shrug* at the problem. They’ll happily kick the can down the road to future generations, who will ultimately be unable to avert our self-inflicted, terminal-velocity impact with reality. Because the time to use a parachute is not just before hitting

My cat runs the life of three humans, and we like her. Dogs pah!

my cat certainly is a jerk

Why speculate when you can simply read the papers? From the one on Ganymede:

“That means FX had little to no data on which to evaluate the series, including how it performed in its entirety over a certain timeframe”

They could have done a CT scan of it to determine the level of corrosion, although the article doesn’t state whether they did or not.

Other possibility (also not an astronomer here, so take with a grain of salt) is that Europa is constantly losing that water vapor to space and replenishing it via sublimation, thus maintaining a “stable” thin atmosphere.

We’ve really learned our lessons and rallied, as a nation, during this covid test-run. I’m sure we’re gonna knock the next pandemic out of the park!

You don’t know as many lives ruined by Iraq/Afghanistan

The comments here are more or less what I expected. I get the hate, but don’t quite get there myself. I don’t expect that anyone who gets as close to real power as Powell did to get out clean; every Sec Def, NSA, Sec of State, and President may as well be Genghis Khan or something. I just don’t have the emotional

I have to wonder how old some of these people in line to shit on his corpse are, or how aware they were of what was going on back in the early 2000s and Powell’s role in trying to slow the march to war. Part of why his speech to the UN making the case for the invasion was so devastating was he had earned that