
I have no objections to him dying in jail, he earned that all the way. I do object to the state making me a party to his murder though. I object to the death penalty, even for racist shitscum assholes.

...the cave is currently about 65 feet (20 meters) above sea level, “so clearly somebody took it up there some time before 40,000 years ago.”

Its at the end of the day a drop in the bucket. And sadly a LOT of people who tried to do the right thing got sick from these clowns and died. So they fuck us over regardless

I’m mad at them too, but a more progressive primary candidate would not be likely to beat Manchin. Sinema likes the power and money from being not-the establishment, but Manchin reflects his constituency (and yes, makes money off it). The DNC should be looking to replace Sinema and flip some other state.

I will support whoever runs against her in the primary, but since that isn’t until 2024 I don’t know how useful polls are at this point.

I don’t begrudge politicians in purple or red states as is the case with Manchin making calculations and not always giving the party what it wants but that should be based on actual political realities at home.

Act Blue is fundraising against her, and the main person who could run against her in the primary is polling higher than she is. 

absolutely abhorrent and ridiculous. Democrats nationally need to concentrate on flipping any seats available in 2022 so that she and Manchin can be bypassed as needed.

I figure one of two thing is happening here.

I have lived a large chunk of my life in the developing world. Doing so has taught me to have immense faith in the strength and character of young girls and grandmothers from underprivileged communities. Faith in the rest of humanity, not so much.

People seem to forget that the city councillor/alderman/secretary of state today is the state senator/governor/congressman/president of tomorrow.

Or will the film be commentary about individuals living their lives despite a clear world-ending existential threat potentially lurking around the next corner?

That is, in fact, 100% what the Nazis were doing. During the late 1800s into the early 1900s, a lot of prominent Germans in the upper crust of society also had archaeological hobbies. When they went on digs in various places in the world (Turkey, Egypt, Greece, etc), they found a lot of pottery that had the symbol on

Not with turtleman and two Democrats pretending to be Republicans in the Senate.  It really irks me that even with a majority, slight though it is, Democrats can’t get things through the fucking Senate.  And I loathe turtleman.  On principle I try to avoid wishing bad things on people, but if he got hit by a truck

One counterpoint is... the Younger Dryas. Evidence keeps piling up that the Younger Dryas could have been a multiple bolides from a shattered comet. While there are a few old world traces, the bulk of the evidence of widespread wildfires is in North America. It is possible for the civilization that made these

People forget humans have been around for ~300,000 years or so. There’s always a chance that large advances in tech (such as boats) could have come and gone multiple times throughout our lost history.

Looking forward to it! I’m a fan of The Orville, honestly I think about the astrology episode pretty frequently. Took a little to get going (but so did just about every Trek), but by the end of the second season it was pretty solid. I hope the change to Hulu and the long wait between seasons doesn’t hurt the show too

I buy milk from a local creamery, pay a deposit on the bottles, and return the bottles to the store for my deposit back. It is a hefty deposit ($2), so it isn’t something that you tend to forget.

but the drama would be that “someone is building something on Mars and it ain’t us” and it will take time (a full season) to build a craft to check it out, meanwhile odd things keep happening on earth...