
The “party of Lincoln”, as the modern GOP likes to remind everyone, will acknowledge that Lincoln freed the slaves. They just won’t acknowledge who he freed them from.

I only got about 30 minutes into Rebel Moon (so I guess my gripes contain spoilers for the first 30 minutes). I typically have a high tolerance for dreck if it scratches the right itch or has some redeeming quality, but I wasn’t seeing much evidence for that after half a hour of runtime.

As others have said, the story

Whoever opts to make the Steamboat Willie slasher flick (and it will most certainly be made) will need to be sure not to run afoul of Fox’s copyright claims. ‘Cuz, you know, Simpsons did it.

Kurgan you say?
Fearsome you say?

Well, here’s another way of solving this puzzle.

Well then, make mine a double.

I blinked at that sentence as well, but I think Passant is just stating that the nature of the laser transmission requires greater precision at the receiver end as distances increase than would otherwise be needed for radio communication and that this precision is complicated by the light lag in a way that is less of

Yeah. I get that and you raise good points. But do we really want pure oxygen environments? Maybe that is the easiest solution, but doesn’t that create additional complexity such as an increase in potential fire hazards, which strikes me are something we would want to minimize.

The Apollo missions were early attempts

Since the nitrogen in air is inert, it isn’t consumed when breathed. Aside form minor losses, there shouldn’t be a need for more than you start with.”

That’s my point. We’re starting on Mars, which doesn’t have any in the atmosphere. In the short term, I assume the plan is to bring all the air we need with us and

Since we don’t typically breathe pure oxygen, what are the plans for producing the remainder of gases needed to maintain an atmosphere at appropriate pressures? Are we going to extract nitrogen from the nitrates in the regolith, find an alternative, or is Mars going to be one of those BYON sorta parties?

Now playing

So many roles and no one should be forced to pick a favorite. But from among those that have yet to be mentioned, it’s hard to argue that he wasn’t excellent in Platoon.

I found the scale bars are in the publication. The one pictured is small and the strawberry nodule appears to be less than half a centimeter in diameter. The overall length looks like a dozen centimeters or so.

I don’t disagree with you but I read this such that “from the USA” is understood, “... should consider emigrating {from the USA} to Russia.” While “immigrating” may be a better choice grammatically, “emigrating” preserves their intended tone and meaning (that she should leave). But everything about this statement is

I am not a psychologist, but three days worth of data seems like a ridiculously short dataset to base any assumption off of. I do not doubt that there may be some social drawbacks to increased AI usage in the workplace, but I’m skeptical that such issues could be confidently identified after only three days of study. P

I saw The Treacherous Keith Reef at Glastonbury in ‘83. He really gave it to the Tories. I mean... you know what they say,Mess with The Reef and you’re gonna get wrecked”! Thatcher never saw it coming.

Archaeology is always better down where it’s wetter. Like, under the... um... Mediterranean, or, failing that, a during a dense fog.

5,000-Year-Old Remains Might Be Oldest-Known Horseback Riders”

The Mars sample return missions would be a considerable achievement and we would undoubtedly learn a lot merely by accomplishing the feat (to say nothing of the ensuing science). But... It strikes me as a complexity that could be avoided by 1) sending humans with a magnifying glass and some test tubes, or 2) more

Was there any evidence for how these arrows may have been used? I think we all assume (and almost assuredly rightly so) that they were used for hunting, but is there direct evidence of that at the site? I’m no expert on cut marks on bones, but I imagine someone out there can point to a scratch on an auroch scapula and

I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt and will assume the mysterious sphere us behind the very obvious mooring buoy.