
I get that in principle, but is the idea that sometimes different groups are too different or scary a good one at this point in time? Again, Star Trek is fiction. The writers are creating a world they want to communicate to us and I’m not sure yet what message they are intending to communicate about the Gorn. I

Weep for me then. Like, Star Trek is fiction and they could have written the Gorn however they wanted, and they went with What if Star Trek, but Aliens?” It was an interesting and fun one off, but not really a direction I’m excited to see the series go in. I liked Strange New Worlds quite a bit, but the Gorn arc

Profanity can certainly be overused. But that doesn’t mean it is always used inappropriately.

Jane Swift was the first female Governor of MA. Yes... She completed Cellucci’s term and was therefore never elected to the governor’s office, but she did lead the state.

Your question has been asked and answered, but it raises a good point about the hazards associated with relying on the Saffir-Simpson scale to assess potential storm risk.

High time.

Maybe it’s stranded becuase the car that was towing it washed away. 

Perhaps. But lets not forget Other Space (which also featured Eugene Cordero).

The labor shortage is due to the island's housing crisis. 

So, a completely new meaning to the phrase dead batteries, huh?

Perhaps, but it’s better than the alternative: the AI training the cat to take pictures of her using the bathroom.

Now playing

Just sharing the piece from 2021 that Some More News did on Leonard Leo. It’s super relaxing. So, light some incense. Turn off the lights. Brew some tea. Crawl into bed. And drift off to sleep to a soothing discussion of how dark money is trying to subvert democracy. But yeah... this sucks.

I mean... I like it, but several concerns come immediately to mind.

Only if it’s a Manchurian Sleeper Shark. This one could be a member of Somniosus woodyallenensis. Which, I assume, means that it’s looking for Diane Keaton.

That, or Mar-A-Lago.

Badgey escapes the Cerritos’ holodeck, steals some time travel device, and ends up back in the SNW era. Boimler and Mariner give pursuit, team up with Pike’s Enterprise, and hijinks ensue (much to Spock’s chagrin).

I can imagine this being good and am looking forward to it. But I share your concern that this could establish a Cartoon-verse. And I don’t like that (though I recognize others might). We already have the Prime Universe and the Kelvin Universe and Mirror-verse and the endless debates about where Discovery falls among

Yes, but for whatever reason, that doesn’t always seem to work. I haven’t investigated why becuase it’s strange to troubleshoot a workaround to a bad user experience that I can avoid entirely by not clicking on slideshows in the first place.

Agreed. I only click on slideshows when accessing the mobile site (as I am now). On mobile, it’s just a long scroll. But on my computer, they are intensely frustrating and rarely worth the bother. Click. Scroll up to see the image. Scroll down to read the text. Scroll up to find the advance button. Mouse to the right.

I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but I still think it would have been a greater act of compassion for Ed to not tell Gordon his intent.

I agree that within the rules of the show Gordon could not remain in the past. The episode told us that was wrong and, having no direct experience with alternate timelines or