
Ions in ocean water (the stuff that makes salt water salty) increase the electrical conductivity of the water. This means that EM signals are quickly dispersed by salt water. It’s the same reason subs use sonar rather than radar. Radar doesn’t work in the ocean. Rather than a radio wave bouncing back towards the

Finally, the answer to the question “what if Thing from The Addams family was a skin-job from Tyrell Corporation... and probably also a sex toy?”

Clearly JWST needs a deflector dish. Or at the very least they should send some bloke up there to stand in front of the array with a ping pong paddle. Either would be fine.

I probably haven’t seen Generations in 20 years. My friends and I saw it in the theaters and we thought it was “okay”. Frustrating in some parts. Fine in others. I’m sure I saw it again at some point, but it was never one I went out of my way to put on.

I was probably about that age when I saw Undiscovered Country. It wasn’t the first Star Trek film I had seen, but it was the first I saw in the theaters. That is probably part of why I tend to favor it. That and it is a good film. 

Blues Brothers 2000.

Easy to forget, but impossible to forgive.

*Not an action movie, but still... a truly awful sequel.

Excellent point. I didn’t realize Wrath of Khan had been released in 4k yet. I’ll definitely check it out.

As a kid, I thought The Undiscovered. Country was the superior film, but it was always close. Nowadays I’m not sure how I would rank the Trek films. But Wrath of Khan is still up there.

Oh... I agree that he can’t really carry a film. He was one of the leads in Requiem, but the others were supporting roles. He was great in those roles, but not the center of the story.

Maybe some will, but Jim Jordan and Andy Biggs are on the oversight committee. Neither will pass up the chance to be reprehensible in public. Jordan will aggressively and repulsively grandstand and blame “The Left!” for politicizing the girl’s trauma while simultaneously dismissing her testimony to score cheap sound

The Thin Red Line. American Psycho. Requiem for a Dream. All excellent films and he’s great in them. I’ve not seen Dallas Buyer’s Club, but that is supposed to be among his better performances as well.

It was an interesting story but it was way too heavy without offering a needed counterbalance. Heavy can be good of course, and in the past The Orville has balanced heavy ideas and themes with optimistic lightheartedness, but this episode didn’t do that. The season two episode Blood of Patriots is a good example of

That’s one way to raise water levels I guess.

Remember years and years ago when the Long Island Iced Tea company changed their name to Long Blockchain and their stock price skyrocketed?

There is a lot I don’t know or completely understand about these types of announcements and I have a lot of questions. For one, how many crypto sales is Chipotle expecting to make? Many business off and on over the years have announced that they accept crypto (AT&T for example) but since I haven’t seen any reports

I wondered the same thing. 

Mass shootings also occur outside of schools in Texas including:

2014, Fort Hood (Army specialist killed three on the base before killing himself)
2016, Dallas (five police officers were killed)
2017, Sutherland Springs (US Airman killed 26 people attending morning church services)
2019, El Paso (23 killed at a Walmart.

The common notion is that she dissented becuase the case came through the shadow docket, which she consistently opposes.

“Clearly we should start arming all the kids with their very own child sized assault rifles”

Yeah. This needs to go away. Even if true, it was still a stupid thing to focus on. Just as how we shouldn’t let the police response distract us from getting guns off the streets. I’m sure the conservative are willing to throw some police under the bus if means they don’t have to explain why 18 year olds can by