
I like this a lot but.....

Oh no.... wind turbines *might* alter the regional climate!

The "minimalism" must be in the comfort it provides....

No. It proves everything. Jesus was buried. He rose from the grave. An empty tomb is the final piece of the puzzle. In this case the absence of Evidence is not the Evidence of absence but the Evidence of Deification.

So... if it's empty then that proves that it was Jesus' tomb and that he was the son of God right?

Any nude image is not pornography. My boss showed me an image of his 2 year old nude on the toilet the other day. Did I want to see the picture? No. Was it stupid? Yes. Was it pornography? Hell no. Can we a society twist any image into pornography? Yes. We're that f*cked up. Look at that guy who was charged with

Eh... Some raccoon and many possums are larger than big cats. A rat the size of a Black Lab or a 5th Grader... now that might be something of a concern. Even so, anyone walking around Florida is advised to tuck your pants into your socks. That's just good practice down there anyway.

Scale bar?

I just checked back and noticed that the main window represents a subset of the image in the lower left (I've barely used Sonarwave Lite). It looks as if the object appears amidst a region of numerous geologic features. It's not a strange circular reflector in the middle of nowhere. It's a reflector that happens to

Or "Needles for Space" in which junkies trade in used syringes for a chance to ride a Russian Rocket. I for one think we totally need more heroin addicts in space.

Interesting... this creates a (for good or bad) public permanent place in a family for a child that did not... survive. It's a place holder for a child that never had a place. In times past (and perhaps still continuing in some cultures) children were only named AFTER they survived that first year. Now we can

"Necessity, meet Invention. Now then... WHERE have you been for the past 5 YEARS!!!"

Yes... two people should NEVER try to resolve an issue without third party arbitration.

Yeah.. but is that assault?

It's not a "drag mark" as you mean it. It's scour caused by augmented flow around the object. That develops with time and ultimately reaches equilibrium. Scour is only washed away, if you will, due to changes in the sedimentological conditions or the flow regime in the area.

This is a raw side scan sonar image. You see left and right of the sonar, but not straight down. The black in the middle is the water column at nadir.

I imagine that they're holding on to better images (as well as the Nav) for themselves. And I agree... if what these guys are saying is what we're seeing in the articles, then yes... Makes me wonder if this is the first SSS trace he's seen in his 18 years of experience.

There's a wide variety of backgrounds and skill sets here on Gizmodo. So someone may have already said this here, and if so... I'll repeat it, The "impact tracks" are SCOUR. Any obstacle to flow, be it ocean currents or wind, seated on a mobile bed disrupts that flow. That disruption compresses the fluid flowing

Umm.... because it's cheaper than doing it right.

So.. his PhD is simply sticking a Rumble Pack to a phone?