
Eh, at least there’s a little sandwich among the shit... Thanks for the resources! I’ll keep looking/trying and hopefully cobble together something not totally garbage and work up from there.

So! Unfortunately I have a bit of a “shit sandwich”:

Sorry if this is outside your area of expertise but do you know of any blogging platforms that are designed with in accessibility in mind (for the audience)? I was about a to start a new project with social media and blogging and this article give me the briefest glimpse into the problems existing in many food blogs

Either that, the Thinx people took for whatever reason a radically “More is better!” approach during manufacture, or someone along the way misplaced a couple decimal points — which error is a little out of line with Notre Dame’s academic reputation, but who knows.

Environmental toxicologist here - it won’t rinse out, it’s used to water proof clothing.  However, these are large compounds that are not likely to cross the skin barrier in high enough concentrations to cause the cancers associated with PFAS, those are caused by this chemical primarily in drinking water.  So unless

I like the idea of the product and was disappointed to hear this even though I still use disposables.

In a better world, you wouldn’t have to fight to live with dignity. I work for a tech company, and my wheelhouse is making sure our websites are designed with accessibility in mind — and we take it very seriously — and none of our products are as important as a person making food! Your article lists some challenges I

Before I even get started in on this article, I’m an accessibility consultant with crap joints and hand-injuries confirming that kitchen design is the worst for acessibility. (I just got a hairline fracture in the ring finger of my dominant hand - my husband has to do most of the cooking right now because it’s really

Back at the old firm, the training kitchen was briefly equipped with a sink that could be adjusted to the user’s height. Never clear on why it was removed?

Precisely why adverts on online media platforms need to be regulated at least as strongly as broadcast and print media.

In the recent Canadian election, one of the parties (and personally would not be surprised if they weren’t the only one) ran Chinese-language Facebook ads of outright lies. Many stayed up; those that were taken down weren’t taken down for being lies (eg: taken down for graphic design choices, showing razors, etc).

Thank you! (“stole its name”, eh?) I’ll accept that as a definitive declaration that the only proposed connection between ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ is a apparent lack of creative use of Latin/Greek roots. (‘umbral energy’ and ‘skotosi matter’)

It’d be greatly edifying if some intrepid Science reporter (for instance, Dr Ryan Mandelbaum why not?) would definitively state whether the commonly applied adjective “dark” should indicate that there is some proposed (semi-)direct relationship between “dark energy” and “dark matter” or not? I’d lay down 2.718..

We’ll discover it in the early 3000s.

Some people struggle to drink water... I thought they were going to announce a water program for flint or something with charity:water.

Aw, thank you for this. Raccoons get a bad rap, but they are smart, clever, and adorable. Anyone who wants to tell me vicious they are, just don’t. That’s not the point.

Behind the scenes, these women have helped overhaul the company’s approach to protecting elections, creating a new ad library to ensure transparency, and partnering with over 55 third party fact-checking organizations.