Hey, look who’s here to remind everyone that the death of Splinter isn’t *all* bad.
Hey, look who’s here to remind everyone that the death of Splinter isn’t *all* bad.
Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not…
There is no real origin story for Splinter.
Yeah it sure seems like the long way around for a lame and not very insulting insult
Their lack of self awareness is quite dizzying.
That and the fact he wrote a book called TRIGGERED and brought his girlfriend on tour to yell at hecklers who were mean to him.
“I bet you engage and go on online dating, because you’re impressing no one here to get a date in person,” Guilfoyle said
The most disturbing take away from this article is that Jr was heckled by people who don’t think the Trumps are bad enough. WTF
No way to know. Our coldly logical and not at all a stan OP dismissed the whole thread.
Couldn’t tell you--we got dismissed by the coldly-logical, totally-not-a-stan OP. ;)
The fact that other publications have scored the game well (and I’m enjoying the hell out of it, myself) doesn’t preclude the potential for a quid-pro-quo style relationship to exist in this specific instance—and even if it doesn’t, the appearance of what’s going down isn’t good.
...and if modern political discourse…
don’t spring for the undercoating. It’s a total waste
How would one shave a vagina? It would be hard to get the razor up there.
He doesn't need a source. He just KNOWS.
Or get the wrinkles out without washing?
Does your attitude explain why you have the complete suite of Axe body spray products in your room at your mother’s house?
The American Puritan Ethic is like a cursed cultural zombie that will never die.