
Modi is the kind of politician Trump loves. He knows exactly who Modi is. 

Lol he definitely still has no idea who that man is. 

Fuck Reason and every disingenuous cretin that writes for them and supports their increasing flirtation with the far-right. It’s basically Quillette-lite now, and abhorrent trolls like Cathy Young as why. White privilege run amok combined with pseudo-intellectualism that’s off the charts. 

Reenactment of the scene

Iiiiiiiiiiiiin West Philadelphia

Honestly I think this is just internet people being overly salty and sensitive, as usual.

“If you don’t comply, we’ll put on really frowny faces next time we say the same thing.”

I could see Sanders/Klobuchar for that purpose - not that I think he’d pick her, but just if we’re talking about trying to unify. Elderly white guy from the northeast isn’t going to do well choosing another elderly white guy from the northeast. Speaker of the House will be president by 2026.

Again, the established democrats in power are more or less fine with the things that Trump is doing and/or supporting. They like their kickbacks and their bribes. They like their freedoms to pilfer the public coffers. They like a complete lack of accountability. They like their corporate welfare handouts. They LIKE

Yeah, no, I cannot compute feeling “ire” at ever seeing a little girl who looks like this or having the nerve to compare this hairstyle—which looks like the girl just got out of soccer practice for fuck’s sake—to minstrel imagery.

I'll believe it when I see it. So far, Nadler has shown only slightly more backbone than Pelosi, which is akin to saying cotton candy is crunchier than dryer lint.

Also, read the Medium post people. All this bullshit about “leadership controlling the process” and “why won’t they release the vote totals” shows people haven’t actually listened when the WFP explained their process. 

I’ve seen a lot of this on social media lately, attacking people who mostly like Sanders and think he’s an important policy voice. There’s a lot of conspiratorial thinking, a lot of bad-faith attacks on Warren (quite a few of which have been deeply sexist), and extreme vitriol from people who clearly have nothing to

Wait... Tom DeLonge STILL IS the frontman of Blink-182. I literally just saw him tour two months ago with Blink.

Remember, Gaetz and Collins are on their respective committees to be attack dogs, nothing more.

Jimmy Neutron sure grew up to be a big asshole.