Fat-shaming him implies that if he weren’t fat, he wouldn’t be a contemptible asshole, which certainly is not the case.
Fat-shaming him implies that if he weren’t fat, he wouldn’t be a contemptible asshole, which certainly is not the case.
Yes, Trump is a long list of reprehensible qualities — but he isn’t those things because he is fat; he is those things AND fat.
Andrew Yang can fat shame that Trump of Lard seven days a week and twice on Sundays AFAIC. I say this as a chubby guy
Fat shaming is a socially-accepted form of ignorance that we really need to eliminate. That said, Yang calling out Trump for not being mentally fit or not at intelligent as a president needs to be is a fair critique! But a joke about him being fat? Not great; if you’re going to sell a hat that just says “MATH”, maybe…
How did Respawn not plan for this? This has been an issue with basically every BR game prior to Apex, and those games built in reporting and other means to deal with it. I would understand if Apex launched with a solo mode and had this issue, as it could have been too far in development to address teaming as it arose…
Because calling someone a “genius” is a bit nicer (or less mean) then calling them a moron.
Creates a social safety net, brings back booze, and kicks Nazi ass.
I know there’s value in dunking on the dishonest troll to inform others, but this one is pretty useless. Probably worth dismissing after this comment.
Were they our allies when Black Cube attempted to undermine the Iran deal? When Netanyahu put out nonsense claims out there in an attempt to shortcircuit the pact? When it continued to allow squatters to build on Palestinian land? When Netanyahu accepted Boehner’s invitation to speak to Congress without the buy-in…
It is a moral imperative of all Americans to do what they can to get their money out of Israel, and to encourage governments to do the same. With friends in the region like Israel working against American interests and instigating conflicts in the region, who needs enemies?
Even AIPAC has expressed mild disagreement with this decision. I think Netanyahu may have backed himself into a corner. The far-right demanded this, and would attack him if he didn’t do it, but now he’s struggling with the blowback, which can harm his “I’m the best leader for Israel abroad” line.
I love this whole exchange.
had you very, very badly confused with someone else!
The fuck are you talking about?
i am incredibly intelligent, and good looking
It’s a little bit weird to see the love for transphobic asshat Cardi B in an article directly after the Laverne Cox post.
And yeah, it’s a white male.
It was meant to be a sarcastic reply, genius. Why should Warren play second fiddle to Sanders? That’s my point. It’s the height of arrogance. Particularly since she is out polling him now. Stop being so damn entitled.
Yeah, someone needs to get coffee and donuts while the white men do the real work, amirite?