
A family of raccoons was frequenting our apartment complex’s row of garbage bins the same time every night for a week. The mom was showing the kits how to open the lids. Then the dad would show up later on his own.

In the recent Canadian election, one of the parties (and personally would not be surprised if they weren’t the only one) ran Chinese-language Facebook ads of outright lies. Many stayed up; those that were taken down weren’t taken down for being lies (eg: taken down for graphic design choices, showing razors, etc).

You get a star for guessing my search engine of choice.

“That’s not how the Force [Star Wars] works!”

Maybe it’s like in the “Soup Nazi” sense, eg: “The Hentai Nazi told me this is actually called ‘bara’, not ‘yaoi’.”

On the bright side: when open nuclear war does come, kids won’t have time to TikTok about it.

They will call your old boss before they will beat a game you have worked on just to check for you in the credits.

I once worked on a popular game where we were told there will be no in-game credits. When I would ask (management) about this over the years, I got different answers:

Remember that we don’t have to reject one possibility to consider another. Everything we do know for certain about the crash can be explained different ways. It is too early to know for certain what happened.

I completely forgot about the "around the world" phase of WWF!

I only do them while skating at the roller rink; to pick people up with my sweet-ass moves.

I like to pee off a particularly difficult mountain crevice, but to each their own.

Not intended as deflection, and entirely intended as an interesting side note: ever seen how the original Street Fighter II designs happened?

“I would make love to you like a confused bear: awkwardly.”

One of the tragedies of those quicktime events is that you are so busy looking for the input prompts that you don't get to appreciate just how insane this game is.

Yowza. I suspect they put that one in The Vault and threw away the key...

*Thought you said “Outer Worlds”*

Oh the Lady And The Tramp one? Yeah there's an unnecessary part to a story -- what does that accomplish, narrative-wise, except that cats from Thailand are inherently evil? What the crap is that? Like something "Dash" O'Pepper (from Toby Danger) would say!

God DAMNIT, Disney!