
If they mean the "Colt Navy" Civil War-era pistol, then I am in.

Probably doing one of his many spot-on impressions.

Yeah but is it better than that Doritos racing game for the Xbox 360?

Were the blank pieces of letter paper just to make it look like there was more thought there / to hide the Air Force One pad of paper with sharpie notes?

Yeah I can’t imagine where this problem began.

Remember when Pac-Man had to get taken out of Mortal Kombat? Illuminati!

Now I know why Junior is sticking with that beard: it was originally Kim’s idea.

Similar to yourself, I have a job where nothing I make exists in the real world. There is nothing that I contribute that has any tangible value.

re: quid pro quo

Give it a start to a recipe! It does really fun stuff with recipes! It makes a somewhat plausible recipe, but then it gets into these make believe reasons for why it chose certain ingredients, or suggests ingredients you can substitute instead.

Now playing

Ever seen that Facebook TV ad from a year and a half ago? I think their plan was to come off as the good guys, get your confidence back. Instead, they just sounded pissed off that they even had to deal with our being upset with their bullshit in the first place.

You had me at "urine marinade"!

Aw Bat Baby! I thought the tabloids finally caught him. Is he on the loose again?

That’s a fun thought experiment! As humanity races out into the stars, wouldn’t they see successive generations fly past them — as their ancestors continued to evolve the capabilities of space flight. Until, the very people who left Earth first become those who have traveled the least distance.

When you die in the story mode, it treats you to this quote. I thought (given the kind of day you’re having) you might get a kick out of this one:

In solidarity.

Here here.