Some of that re-directed defense money was for a base in the Ukraine, eh. You know, Russian invasion of Crimea and all that.
Some of that re-directed defense money was for a base in the Ukraine, eh. You know, Russian invasion of Crimea and all that.
Has the Trump family figured out by now that after Trump-the-person is impeached, Trump-the-company is going to filing for bankruptcy / returning all the money it stole from taxpayers, heads of state (foreign and domestic), and so on? Because guess what! You don’t get to walk away that easy!
I too have tried to work "motherfucker" into any answer that I give my son.
“I would have been THE BEST President of the United S’s! Sad WITCH HUNT dems! Keep America Great!”
I am the fence. In that deer keep getting stuck in me.
So, anatomical and ethical mechanics aside for the moment, why IS so much fan-made porn such trash, from a quality perspective (not to say it ALL is; just that a lot of it is)? Like, I appreciate how we don’t all have an animation studio in our guest room. But is the shitty stuff what the author considers sufficient…
Remember how he obstructed the investigation into Russian interference in the election? And then how he obstructed the investigation into that investigation too?
What even needs to come out? At this point, she has done an excellent job arguing for her dismissal all on her own.
Ah the flawed political calculus of bullshit, incremental centerists. Nevermind that impeaching Trump isn’t even a question of political optics in the first place, Pelosi. It's Congress' fucking job.
Look at the Pentagon’s protest over this aid money being frozen (only a month ago):
Greta! Greta! Greta! GRETA! GRETA! GRETA! GRETA! GRETA! Woot
Remember when Trump lied about how he had no business with Russia? During his attempts to build a large building in Russia, via people already sanctioned? And fast-forward to his own “so what? I would be a fool not to make money” stage?
My review:
My review:
And we can sell some more weapons to Prince Bonesaw while we're at it! Win-win!
An insult to the training and breeding of attack dogs everywhere!
Prince Philip, at Epstein's house, a promise not to tell anyone about how and in what context they "high fived" each other.
That is a respectable choice of dildo, Senator Graham. Very classy.
“I’ve often said there’s nothing better for the outside of a man than the inside of a horse.” - Vice President Pence
Good-bye, Nancy. I'm sure your book will sell okay.