
But that never bothered them before! Really, what has changed? has the pressure come off the Repubs to move in lockstep because Trump finally got the one thing he wanted? Or are the Repub. toadies in the Congress making some small stars in favor of non-insanity in Government in the hopes of not being turfed out in

Meanwhile, Trump signed the Tax Scam today instead of after December 31st. Why does this matter? It triggers automatic ‘pay as you go’ cuts to Medicare and a host of other programs that the GOP doesn’t actually want to cut with this bill, because immediately gutting the safety net to pay for a 1% Christmas Miracle is

Knowing Trump, they’d be more likely to embed one of those greeting-card audio chips so it shouts “Lock Her Up!” every time you squeeze the coin.

White America got the President it wanted. He’s is the white id made flesh.

TBF joining a family that once colonized so much of Asia & Africa and continues to live off those riches was always going to be a difficult affair.

Thinks this is “fat and gross”

This fuckstick:

The associations and organizations are problematic no matter who’s in charge.

This douchebag owes his career to the young women he so causally mocks and slanders. Fucking pathetic.

Top question:

Yeah, as a disabled person on Medicare, I can’t wait. It’ll be amazeballs.

bring back the CCC and other jobs programs that are better than making missile manufactures rich.

It wasn’t low income whites who threw the election to Trump. It was middle to upper-middle class educated whites(especially women) who did. These people don’t use the majority of entitlement programs at all. They want the programs gone because the only people they know on them is their useless cousin Eddie who hasn’t

If we fought for Social Security, we could keep it. But if we abandon the fight before it begins, we’ve done the GOP’s work for them.

It’s all theft, a reverse Robin Hood to give money back to the wealthy. But the idea of Social Security being “paid for” ahead of time is all an illusion. Today’s workers are paying for today’s retirees, and any money that today’s retirees have put into SS is long gone. As the numbers of retirees go up, and the number

Paul Ryan retiring won’t change a fucking, nor will Mitch McConnell or any other asshole currently serving in a position of power in the government.

Elections. Have. Consequences.

Daily, I wax between “is today the day to start the revolution?” and “I don’t want the FBI kicking down my door.”

I tend to agree, but that requires money, political willpower (whew, got it out without laughing), infrastructure, and planning. Like Marcellus says, I’m just contemplating the ifs, poorly planned, a move like this could hurt a community much more than building to account for storm surge and flooding. So I agree, the

The actual solution is really obvious...flood insurance should reflect the actual cost of flood insurance...if somebody wants to pay huge rates to live in a flood zone, the fine, they should pay for it. Otherwise the gov’t should eminant domain it and tear down everything and compensate people and they can move