
can you imagine the inJUSTice of being a man, benefiting your WHOLE career from the boy’s club, only to have your PICTURE POSTED next to a WORSE man than you, who only did a little grabbin? men canNOT catch a break in this world, ESPECIALLY in hollywood.

My friend linked me to that Lindy piece and I literally fist pumped when I read the byline and title.

Christ, if I had a nickel for every time a man conflated the potential for an “innocent” man to be accused of harassment or assault with the actual harassment or assault experienced by women, I would be richer than Donald Trump pretends to be.

Speaking of pieces of shit:

It seems like so many men think that if they don’t have a burning, all-consuming hatred for women in the forefront of their conscious brains, that this automatically means that they respect women. Like, if they don’t actually think the words “what a fucking cunt” they are okay.

The depressing thing is that the gun nuts of America won’t even consider relieving a gun owner of his weapons once there has been a claim of domestic violence, because “women would just lie.” 

“Just as long as they don’t pass a carbonite tax.”

I’ll give you that it’s complicated, but generally speaking nobody is going to raise a fuss if you politely ask a woman you know out once, she declines, and you don’t approach her again.

Honestly, if you don’t know the difference between harassment and an appropriate suggestion related to acceptable socialization, you may be an abuser/rapist.

I have heard several men make this sort of comment recently about how they could possibly be expected to discern between an appropriate and an inappropriate gesture of interest in a woman. As if the two are so terribly similar that one might “accidentally” harass a woman. Like, how could any well-meaning gentleman

The world’s population isn’t on a decline. The United States’ population isn’t on a decline. Maybe Wisconsin’s population is on decline because of bullshit like this in their government.

Seems odd that they would push so hard against immigration, when millions of new poor people are willing to come here to make up for any babies we’re not having, increasing the desperate-and-exploitable population even faster. But then I guess racism gets in the way. You think they’d want the whites on top, with the

It’s the great Right circle:

Well, that’s true, too. Hell, Peter Thiel and other prominent conservative want to disenfranchise us and basically treat us like rights-free baby incubators.

Well, if that’s the case I’m SURE the Assemblyman would then be supportive of better healthcare for these future workers. And better education. And fair taxation policies. Right?

I’m kinda astonished to see a Republican actually admitting this. ‘Cuz you know that deep down inside their black, shriveled hearts, this is the main reason, if not the only reason, that they try to force women to give birth.

Wow, one of them actually gave away the gameplan! I’ve been saying for 20+ years, all they want is more people, in more desperate situations, who are willing to do more work for less compensation.

i’ve been checking my IUD strings every couple days lately. i do not want to bring a daughter into this world.

Well, apparently, if you’re a woman and don’t want to get raped/assaulted/harassed you can’t ever leave your home. Well, as long as you don’t have a husband, boyfriend or male roommate waiting there. What a wonderful world for our daughters to grow up in. Excuse me while I go drive into a brick wall.

Are you a little nazi piggie and feel afraid...?