

We really shoulda resolved our shite before now, eh? For real though, I hope we can figure out some of it before things get worse.

Perhaps her feet are like Barbie’s and she can’t fit them into like sneakers or boots or anything normal anymore

I used to work at a food bank that provided front line assistance after the Loma Prieta earthquake-food banks are extremely important resources for this sort of emergency, and I would encourage people to donate 10 or 20 bucks to the Houston, Galveston, etc. food bank of their choice (or Feeding Texas, higher up in the

(yes I know you can select the Spanish page at the top and use the Spanish link). I should’ve been clearer-I was trying to ask why the English and Spanish articles have been separated when they were previously showed together. Did people explicitly complain or did it just test out to work better that way?

Now playing

In 5th grade we put on a play about state history and we had to learn this song. I still remember all the states. Not much else from 5th grade, but if you put it to music...

I also thought it was bonkers that he was an executive producer in Wonder Woman. Like whaa. How is this appropriate for someone in that position? I guess he stepped back from it but still. He’s credited in the movie.

Unrelated question

The writer Lyz Lenz is writing a book about pregnancy and culture that I want to read when it comes out. I don’t have kids or anything but I’m always really stunned when ppl say hey, xyz happened to me and I’m like whaaa? That can happen in pregnancy? Why don’t I know that?

My relative’s parents wanted to do something similar and they gave him a new name, which is Whitehawk. It’s a little eyebrow-raising because we are not Native American but starting fresh could also be an option I guess.

“Ozark North” is good. I think it also extends in northern NY, where I’m visiting my family. On the way to attending a centennial talk about women’s suffrage yesterday, I saw a house that not only was flying a confederate flag but also a Don’t Tread on Me flag. We’re not much more than an hour south of the Canadian

I’m no economist. I do live in the Basque Country, and my in-laws lived under Franco for half their lives. While the people in the Spanish state made enormous strides after his regime, it is my opinion (and again, I’m no economist) that things were borked for so long by authoritarianism that they never got quite where

I fkn hope SOMEone is enjoying it because a functional (for a few, obvs) economy is a fragile thing, and we may never recover if it gets much worse. I am a U.S.-born research administrator working in Europe and I already have researchers with U.S. collaborations/funding experiencing delays of up to a year in getting

You can help pressure companies to stop sending their ad dollars to Breitbart-check out Sleeping Giants on twitter if you’re so inclined.

Any group that has a disproportionate amount of power over you should not be trusted. I have worked in the public sector for much of my adult life and am inclined to view government as an important force for good, but it should still be questioned and kept in check. But yeah, I’m tired of the people in my life who act

I like to cook and am comfortable in the kitchen, but I’ve met a lot of people who really aren’t. I know a woman who spent a thousand bucks on a thermomix which is basically a talking kitchen robot that tells you how to cook and does some of the work. I feel like if you’re so busy you can’t put together the pantry

Especially when you are 50 gotdamn years old (which let us be frank she looks way better than any of us will ever look our whole lives at that age). Like ok some people can get pregnant at 50+ but at what point do people let you hang it up you know

Not to mention she may have been doing better when she had children, or the kids may not be hers-I had next-door neighbors growing up who “had” 7 kids-because their brother and sister-in-law died in a crash and left 5 kids in addition to their 2. You’re not going to leave those kids to the foster system, with the

But retail sales aren’t Real Jobs, don’t you know, maybe because they are often filled by women.