
Off-topic but necessarily petty: I have had some hair thinning from birth control pills so I now notice hairline stuff. Does it look like Ivana has a receding hairline, or is that just the effect of her coloring? Like, even though it looks like she’s had a lot of work on her facial shape, you can see her resemblance

Read her book Shrill if you haven’t-it’s very funny. Also this article from the day after the election-regardless of your feelings on HRC, this is just very good.

Ah, silly mak, you know very well that Tom Friedman has a car service. It is NYC after all.

It’s true that he is making the same arguments over and over but

I really liked it when they had Roxane Gay and Lindy West on occasion. There are a lot of good writers out there of all stripes that just aren’t getting in because David Brooks has flatulence he needs to share with us.

My mom was in a teacher’s union, and it provided a decent, dignified life for my family, which was handy, coz my dad never could hold down a job. The conditions for people going into school district jobs now are much poorer even than when my mom retired a decade ago. It’s mind-boggling that people somehow think-by

It is! No one’s politics is any more sophisticated than I resent what I think you have so let’s burn the whole fucker down.

I had a friend whose whole family works in nursing. They bitch-rightfully so-that their staffing ratios are inappropriate and they should be paid more. But of course, when there’s any discussion whatsoever of the Fight for 15 campaign, they’re the first to be all oh, that’s bullshit, Those People don’t deserve that

In this case, it is just as well...

Some people age very well, but if you’re not challenged in your life, as this guy surely hasn’t been, you’re unlikely to be one of those people...there just seem to be at least 3 lines of impeachable things going on here but yet, here we are. Maybe we are the demented ones...

Who was willing to pander to vaccine denialists.

They could also stop saying stuff like Russia is for peacemakers. Just objectively

Agh no joke

Thanks, man. I just need to stop obsessively following his MIL on twitter. She is bonkers and it is soooo interesting.

I recently read a paper about how bipolar people (like Carrie Fisher) have much higher heart disease incidence than the general population, that they experience a lot more of the kind of inflammation that leads to cardiac arrest, both from the condition and from the drugs they take. It’s just sad.

I was also super-hit by Chris Cornell, not to mention Carrie Fisher. I feel like a dope since I obvs never knew either one of them, but both their arts always meant a lot to me, and it helped that both of them openly talked about their difficulties...ugh.


Steve King has a peen?