
Her tight ponytail also confused me. It just looked so severe.

I know. I make sure to turn the radio station if it comes on too often (which nowadays, it does) because I feel like hearing any song you like over and over dilutes its specialness.

I really regret not seeing perform when I had the chance about a year ago. Damnit, it would've been affordable too. Now I'm sure she's out of my price range!

Yes! Malfunction FTW!

I was kind of hoping they had some electrical malfunction to spice up the festivities. I'm kind of bored.

Me too, and not because of schadenfreude, but because it'd make her look so Machiavellian. I mean, a girl's gotta let loose at some point, right?

There was really no question. That YouTube compilation of the world singing this song convinced me that it is without a doubt the Song of the Year. Yay Adele!

Oh man, just read a tweet from Seventeen Magazine: "Skrillex told us before he made it he was living in an illegal warehouse in LA making music using a busted speaker." No words.

I hate how soulless Seacrest seems. He just strikes me as so fake.

Foster the People- the guys who sing "Pumped Up Kicks". I wish them the best, but I feel like they should've gotten a band that was more "proven" in the industry than them? Maybe I'm just being a snob.

Oooh, Adam looks very nice. I'm digging the slightly rockabilly hair.

Comment twins, sorta!

Oh man, how sad that Dave Grohl got cut off my an LMFAO song AND Seacrest.

Same. I thought it was sweet.

Pauly Perette, Forever 25.

Great minds, great minds!

I'm so conflicted. I got the sads, then I got hungry when I saw the Chipotle logo.

This Nelson cover is a relief after listening to the actual band.

That's a damn shame. I once unwittingly listened to a Skrillex remix of a song I liked, and I felt like puking, and this is coming from someone with [occasional] some questionable taste in dance and electronica music. I'm assuming they recognized Skrillex's name from all the recent Gawker coverage. Ugh. Team Robyn!

Ha! I'm totally stealing that.