
Oh I LOVE this song because it was the song playing in the "New Girl" episode where Schmidt was throwing the baby shower for his boss. So basically for me it's the Schmidt song, and it makes me smile and dance.

Yeah, I totally forgot too. If you can catch it, there was a great special VH1 had about the Foos working on their new album. I was shocked, because you know, it wasn't another VH1 reality show but something actually having to do with music!

OMG, that Target ad was so adorable. I needed that burst of sunshine in my day.

Weird, Fergie's whole "look" looks like something J. Lo sported before.

It was a really lovely interview. She seems like a wonderful person.

I was just thinking about how we lost her too. Hope she gets the proper treatment in the memoriam.

Oh cool- good to know. I never really paid attention to him, but after that performance, I will. Plus my dad really loved it, and he's always harping on about how much he hates pop music these days ("get off my lawn", etc.), but he loved Bruno Mars' performance. He loves motown, as do I, so we both loved the whole

I know what you mean on both counts...his dancing was on fire!

That was HILARIOUS! I was always meh about Mars (I know, I know), but he won me over big time.

Who's Biff ?

For all the Downton Abbey fans: a quiz on which character you are. [www.weta.org]

I second okeydokeyartichokey's comment about taking time off before grad school. I probably would've gone into a different grad program had I taken some time out to breathe, taken a break (in comparison to my ridiculous undergrad program), and figure out my next move. In my case, I had a LOT of people egging me on

HAHA! about the last one- that Turkish diplomat dropping dead was totally out of left field!

Yes, that's it! She seems like a really good, warm person who is generous with the loved ones in her life. You can really tell she has a good relationship with all her friends and family. There are a surprising amount of vile people in the world, so it's nice to read a book from someone who isn't cynical and negative,

Ha! I love this. Where'd you get it? This show is like crack...

If I could use a urinal, I totally would. I hate using public restrooms and public toilets, like Paul from "American Pie". I always use those toilet seat cover things. But if I could use a public bathroom without touching that public porcelain, I'd be somewhat happier. Sorry, TMI.

I think nail art is another form of personal expression, in ways that personal fashion, cooking, interior decorating, even what car you drive, all denote. Even though some of us are less creative than those who do "creative" professions for a living, I think it's a basic human need to want to express yourself and

It's good, isn't it? I was talking to someone else on Gawker about Mindy and they were making the point that Mindy didn't seem particularly substantial, and I think that's a fair point, but I enjoy a comedienne who has a light-hearted take on life. I mean, Seinfeld was a comedian who talked about nothing, right?

I totally understand that. Maybe bookmark it for a future (as in several years after you graduate) viewing? As alternates, I recommend "Pushing Daisies" and "Breaking Bad"- hopefully neither show will remind you of work!