
Oooh, I really like your car/medicine cabinet analogy! I've been trying to articulate that idea (to myself) since I've been slowly reaching that conclusion after only a week on Pinterest, but your example was perfect.

Yeah, one of my IRL friends weirdly won't "follow" me back and I'm finding myself irrationally bothered by this, especially since she was the one who "invited" me to Pinterest (and I'm starting to get somewhat paranoid, as in, is my taste in "pins" not good enough for her?). It's funny that you mention Goopy because I

I see what you're saying. I probably won't be ditching Jezebel or Gawker anytime soon. Hell, it's the internet. If it's bothering me enough, then instead of "quitting" I'll just log off for the day. I enjoy chitchatting with my randomly-acquired internet friends, as strange as that might sound if I said it IRL.

Join me in my new Downton Abbey streaming. I finally get what all the fawning articles are all about. It's addictive!

Wait, which article was that? I'm more of a night-time reader, so I miss daytime commenter drama.

Is crasstalk worth it? I've popped on over there once or twice, but it doesn't seem particularly buzzing with commenters, unless I'm accessing the wrong pages (also, I never signed up there- I just browsed).

Someone told me my life would go on hold when I signed up for Twitter, but instead, Pinterest has sucked up a time vortex in my schedule (mostly because I have all these "inspiration" images I've freaking archived on my computer and Pinterest is just more visually organized than any dang desktop folder I have). And

It definitely gets better, and this is coming from a fan who thought it was starting to lag and now I'm getting back into the current season. I think its zaniness grows on you.

Me too! But I was scared to be accused of some round-about body-snarking.

This sounds like a great system. I never knew H&M did that, but I admire the effort.

I just got back from scavenging several local Midwestern Targets for some Jason Wu crumbs, but nothing that was leftover caught my fancy or was the right coloring for me. I was hoping for a repeat from when I got all the leftover Missoni tights, which I surprisingly wear ALL THE TIME! They're so warm and unique

This is an excellent point. I just sort of went into a rant in one of my comments on Groupthink, but I just wanted to add (paraphrasing myself here), kids really rely way too much on calculators these days. And this sort of attitude only carries over into college, where I've seen former classmates say "I don't need to

I'm a minority declaring myself part of this minority as well. Yeah, I like TMZ. I too don't agree with everything they post, but I think my favorite part of the show is that their "staff meetings" show that they enjoy "working" with each other. You can't say that about a lot of places.

These Tweetbeats are slowly convincing me that I need to start following Damien Fahey.

That's really interesting. Did she like what you brought her?

I had just met some women this past week who are in their early 20s (I'm in my late 20s). It was truly the first time I realized that I am out of that age range. You know why? Because the women I met were quite timid, accommodating, and soft-spoken- the mirror image of myself at that age (I'm not saying this is the

Ditto. Paying bills and wanting nice things means I gotta haul my ass out of bed on a Saturday morning.

Same here. Oh JGL- please stop it.

I can see the Erin Wasson thing. It's the smoky eye/disheveled hair (in a good way) thing.

Damn, I just got the call from work. I have to be there tomorrow morning at 8:45. Bleah!