
Oh so true. I recently started a job working with kids...oh boy, those crazy little germbags. They're cute, but cah-razy.

If I was Blue Ivy, I'd just want Oprah as my mom and dad.

I'm glad you wrote this. I was rolling my eyes..."Sure, Brad, blame it on the KIDS!"

Usually I think Gosling is attractive, but he looks kinda mangy in that picture.

Oh yeah, very good points. I forget because I've been off the Mad Men wagon for a while because of all the hullabaloo about it taking forever to get back on the air and I figured I should take my time watching all the DVDs.

Indeed! Why does Betty get crapped on when Don is arguably the bigger dick?

Ha, Daminen Fahey is so right. Although I don't know what's worse- going to a concert where the hipsters are too cool for school, giving the subtlest nods of approval or the opposite, where the dancing is so bad (I once went to an "indie dance club" where this dude would literally yelp like a dog when he got really

Bravo glitter.thumbs! You're becoming a COTD staple!

You know, this is both incredibly sad, but also incredibly inspiring. This woman packed more living into her 29 years than many other people who are scared to take risks. This woman took more risks than I can count, and from what it seems, she did it fearlessly and with a love of life.

Thanks! I'm still ironing out the kinks of being assertive, but it feels good to have the realization that you don't have to put up with crap! Knowing the truth is the first step, definitely.

Sorry everyone is jumping on your back, Tracie. I agree that one would look like a moron, but only if said person's personal style just doesn't suit the fashions inspired by "Downton Abbey". Otherwise I know some people who could rock the look, but they'd have enough common sense not to go the whole she-bang; they'd

Oh geez, one time I was half asleep and some friends stumbled upon me in my bed and they wanted to talk my picture because my glasses were half falling off my face. I woke up when they crashed into the room and in my stupor I start apologizing to them- for what, I don't know. Apparently that is my go-to state.

This is very helpful to hear how you use it. I'm terrible at having arguments with people in real life because I have tendency toward "doormat personality" and even when I want to bring up something important, I tend to get railroaded by a more dominant personality. Thanks. I'll try to do the script thing the next

You're so on point- I knew there was something missing from the article, some caveat and you articulated it perfectly. "Random completely irrational immature child type" describes my mother, except instead of the boss folding in her favor, it's my dad.

I think that when you start out assertive, the user types tend to avoid you.

"Hey brother-cousin!"

sorry- wrong reply to wrong comment!

Your comment is so helpful to me, even though I admit in other parts of this thread that I'm probably asexual (though I do admit to having some periods here and there for that neeeed as you put it- I liked that!). I can totally identify the type of sexuality you just described, though it makes things hard because I

It's true. You do end up doing a lot when you're not doing other people ;-)

This is interesting, and I might actually be one. And I'm pretty much okay with that because I find it doesn't bother me, it just bothers everyone else who I guess pity me because I don't have a significant other.