
I haven't been here in a few months, so it really cracks me up that you're saying it should be a trope. If I was tech-savvy enough, I'd create a "Whatever Barry" GIF to help contribute to the trope.

Whatever, Barry. I got my Netflix instant fix last night, and now I'm going to see The Hunger Games tonight, matinee-prices be damned! This poor movie needs all the support it can get!

Now playing

I can already hear the dance remix with four-on-the-floor beats now. I'll admit it- I'd probably prefer that over the original version, just like I prefer the "Bassnectar" remix of Ellie Goulding's song "Lights". Yeah, I have some weird taste in music.

Augh (that's a squeal, by the way), I love her so much. I've heard complaints about her being kind of fluffy and non-substantial, but I like that about her. Not every comedian needs to tackle the heavy stuff and, hell, Seinfeld had a show about nothing and it was one of the most successful shows of all time. Go Mindy-

In an interview I saw a while back (I think it was Last Call with Carson Daly), Hader said he had only one night to come up with a British accent before his SNL audition. Apparently he called up a British friend, tested it on him, and then went to the audition. Dude must be crazy talented to have whipped that out in

Nice- I hope to spread the word. Someone should Tweet this to Mindy- she'd probably love it.

She has some smoldering eyes. Her and her mom have such beautiful, soulful eyes- very sexy!

I totally back you on this. Why not have some mingling?

He was perfect as "Julian Assange" on SNL that's for sure.

I am surprised she didn't use emoticons to tell us this info:

Damn, no Maggie Smith OR Dan Stevens? C'mon, Dan, we all know you're pulling a "Hermione".

Same. I love how it brings out the cake-Googling (that somehow sounds really weird).

You know, I guess also I get super-sensitive about this topic because I studied in typically masculine fields (engineering, architecture), and not that dating prospects weren't too bad in either field, but I felt at one point all the guys I went to engineering school with were dating/marrying teachers and I felt like

Oh okay- got it. Thanks for clearing it up (and being so gracious about it- I'm being serious. I hate getting into an internet flamewar because I think they're pointless). It's just hard to read what we all mean when we're communicating through text alone on Jezebel. Thanks!

I get what you mean, but I meant my comment as a joke off of everything you just listed- because there are plenty of boneheaded people who think like that. That's why I said I was being sarcastic.

Too bad your idea didn't come around 5 years ago when there was a slew of movies where the male romantic protagonist was an architect. How cute: architect meets... interior designer! (I'm being sarcastic)

JamieMF mentioned upthread that she looks like a Sweet Valley High cover.

OMG, I can't get Jessica Wakefield's face/hairdo out of my mind now that you mention it. Perfect description.

Yes to your whole comment. There have been some beautiful and memorable covers- I can still remember what Heidi Klum's, Tyra Banks', and Rebecca Romijn's looked like. Even though we can see a whole LOT, I don't think I'm going to remember this one at all.

What's with all the repeat artist performances? We all know they have more than plenty of performers in the house.