
Awww yeah, it's Haywire men presenting tonight. Is Fassbender here?!

...her children's band-aids braided together, a tiny vial of Brad's blood, her passport...

Cool! It may take me a while to see it, but I'll PM or post on Groupthink or something.

Me neither. I'm not into that look.

Speaking of Channing Tatum, I'm totally going to see "Haywire".

I feel the same regarding Alan Ball. Season 4 was a disappointment, but Elliot Stabler will at least rope me in out of curiosity.

He's also gone full frontal on HBO before. Even Eric hasn't done that. Game on.

I agree. This is the only time a comedic actress actually has a chance to win an award. It's a shame.

Um Guy Pearce in glasses?

Thank you for filling me in! The additional information makes me even more excited to see it.

Apparently he's going to be an "ancient, powerful vampire who holds the fate of Bill and Eric in his hands." I can't tell from press releases if it's a TV-original character or from the books.

Hey, he's going to be on "True Blood" if you're into it.

I saw the trailer for it recently and I almost thought it was a joke because it was just refreshing to see something so different from the usual fare. I'm so happy it got made considering how commercial Hollywood is.

Oh Angelina Jolie. So cartoonishly, ridiculously attractive.

Your comment has sold me on seeing this movie.

The only explanation I have is that she sets the color bar low for her red carpet appearances, but still!

He's too young to make me feel secondhand embarrassment for his borderline dad humor.

Seriously because if it's that dumb chicken dance move that Mick does, well, that's just sad.

I'm glad you don't like it. I don't either. Yet somehow everyone is shitting themselves over it.

She probably muttered something about how "pernicious" it was.