
Ha! Brilliant!

As Ricky said, the HFP is the Kim Kardashian to the Oscars' Kate Middleton. Jezzies have good taste.

Just checking to see if this works.

Same here. I'm gleaning from the comments here which movies are worth seeking out. I'm adding "The Beginners" to my list based on some earlier comments.

Ha I've been watching too much "Walking Dead" because now I'm thinking Rob is becoming a "bronzed zombie." Baaad joke.

Ah nevermind. Just chiming in that it annoyed me too.

Damn, these two are both in their 40s and they look more radiant than me in my 20s.

SMG looks like she raided January Jones' closet.

If she keeps it up, she and Taylor Swift can lead the annoying faux-humble movement in the entertainment industry. Ugh.

Yeah Leslie Knope!!!!!!!!!

So earlier I asked how to describe Madonna's accent. What about Johnny Depp's? Sounds off to me too (though nowhere near as bad as Madonna).

Saaame. Everyone else can have him.

Seriously. The man was everywhere this year.

Ditto. It really works for him.

That sounds glorious!

This is probably my favorite look of hers. It's that bold green.

Okay, going drunk is totally acceptable. I am hoping to someday watch a Twilight movie in theaters drunk.

So concise! I'm stealing this!

For anyone watching E! in the States, does anyone else think that Channing Tatum/Rachel McAdams movie looks stupid? You know it's going to make tons of money this Valentine's Day though...

Aw no, I actually meant I didn't hate her...I for some reason can't hate her like everyone else does. I find it weird that I'm immune to disliking her because if I'm thinking rationally I should hate her, but essentially my reaction is, "Eh, she's harmless and pretty."