
That sums up pretty much any interview I've ever seen from her, in print or on TV ("Bless her heart!"). Well, hey she's harmless and she employs Brad Gorseki as a stylist, so I don't hate her.

The more I see of Evan's dress, the more I like it. I didn't realize it had that emerald hue to it- it looked black on my TV.

Holy crap she does!

Geez, I had no idea being with Timberlake causes such side effects.

Isn't it the height of gauche?!

So does anyone remember when Gawker had that post about actors/actresses you irrationally hate? Well, I irrationally love Jessica Alba. She's just so purty, I just can't hate her even though I know on a rational level the woman cannot act out of a paper bag.

You know at this point you'd think someone would've figured out the hand thing. What an age giveaway.

How would one describe Madonna's current accent?

Seriously. He's been so stylish this past year- he would've killed it with the red carpet fashion.

Ha! I think that's an E! staple.

I do the same. It's Mila Jr!

Ditto. She's been really off in recent years, which is weird because she usually killed it before this current blah style period.

I love Salma Hayek. She just seems so down to earth and funny...despite her trophy wife/international actress status.

I would be a costume designer. Although, that's sort of a long term plan in the scheme of things...I'm hoping to use whatever day job I get to fund my "dream career."

It looks like Charlize's bow migrated from her shoulder to her hip.

I'm loving Evan's dress. So different and great texture.

Ha! That's a genius description.

I always love her style.

Angelina looks like she could be an announcer in the Hunger Games in that picture above.

Man, I forgot how lovably goofy young Brad Pitt was.