
I know right? People like to complain about anything.

Don't forget to sprinkle gold on your snacks, just like the stars!

No worries! It just started two weeks ago. Check Gawker at 9PM Thursdays. There are also Top Chef liveblogs if you're into that. The commenting gets supersnarky and it makes watching the boring episodes that much more entertaining. See ya there!

We've been bitching about her at the Gawker liveblog constantly. You're right- she makes Padma look lively. Angela Lindvall comes across as both bored and condescending. On the bright side, she only makes Heidi look that much better and valuable.

Have you seen 50/50? He was pretty great in that one too.

Hahaha! That would've been a great second question (some lady had THREE questions on her question card, so there's that precedent). I'm sure Tim would've welcomed the question. I've read Tim's most recent book, so part of his speech covered his more famous anecdotes (Anna Wintour, Andre Leon Talley) that he's written

Even though Jezebel gets a lot of crap from other websites, Jezebel does a great job adding editorial commenting (to other articles they link to) and creating original website content. I hope Gawker keeps a lot of the good things they have going on at their site because I do believe they have it, but it seems to have

Yes, I've heard of this referred to as the "MRS" degree. I don't get why people think this is the way to adulthood, but then again, most people don't think outside of the box.

He made sure to end his appearance with his famous words! It was like watching a superhero leave the auditorium.

American Apparel, unless you have a problem with them because of their advertising or their skeevy CEO, which is totally understandable. But based on merchandise alone, I've never been disappointed with their stuff.

Uh oh, sounds like UnicornPrincess might develop a crush!

Yes, keep up both cardio and overall strength training. Getting a flat belly was my number one fitness goal last year, and I think I'm pretty much there (but it took a LOT LOT LOT of work so I'm not acting like some celeb who claims it was effortless). The place where I lost weight was my ass, so yeah, you may lose

What's interesting is that he said that piece of advice wasn't under the guise of encouragement- I think he was implying it was coming from someone being critical of him, but I guess it had a profound effect on him. He also said, rather cryptically, that not all encouragement is a good thing. The man is like a fashion

No problems, I'm more than certain what the answer is now. I'm sorry you got destarred. Maybe take a break from Gawker and hang out here and the other sites more? Or just do what I do and ignore the articles I know I won't enjoy and just go to the one I know I will enjoy. I'm not sure what articles you're attracted

Jezzies, I just came back from hearing Tim Gunn speak. He's awesome live as he is on TV. I went to a lecture series at a nearby city where Tim was slated to speak, so I wasn't able to meet him in person, but I submitted an audience member question (it was about what blogs he read, if any, and I gave a shoutout to the

If it's not there, check Hulu!

Good for you, on all counts!

I love the TMZ parody SNL did where Jason as Joe Biden tells Hillary Clinton she's been "Biden'd!!!!!"

PS: (most of the jobs my friends have got were through knowing people, not by handing out a highly credentialed resume, for example.)

Cleaning is definitely a mood booster. I did some of that earlier this week and I felt this lightness, like I could focus better on my work and chores. I hope you feel better.