
HA! I've actually watched it a few times (thought not enough to remember the brother's voice!). No shame in being in your 20s and watching it. I definitely rank it as better than almost all other kid/tween shows because she's not some pop singer/wizard/witch/insert-specialness-here kid.

On top of that, I'm really nervous, because of the horror stories I've heard about Interior Design students (Oh god, the stories. The artistic, vicious stories.) and I've been in a vunerable state recently and I don't know if I can handle it (I'm small and weak, okay. I've forgotten my life skills from High School and

Way to fall out of your mom!

Hey there! Apparently there's a forum thread: [jezebel.com]

Seriously. Some people who are constantly in relationships, um, constantly choose the wrong person/constantly make the same mistakes, so they're really not "experts" I'd trust.

Hmm, I think I might have a guess which one but I'd rather you PM me the answer.

I'm glad I'm not the only one! The voice thing I'll take your word at- I've seen more "Old Adventures" than "iCarly". I think it was their mannerisms that sort of threw me for a loop.


That's my MO- outside this comment thread (and um, now my comment history here), I don't tell a soul!

I try to be religious, but I've come to realize I'm a lot more lax than I'd like to admit...this is just a round about way for me to say that I do know a lot of Christians and there is a wide range of opinions concerning the whole sex before marriage thing, a lot more than I ever expected. With him it might be a

Oh my gosh, are you my life twin? Well except for the currently dating a great guy part- my love life is pretty listless (it figures now that I think I'm reading to experience things there are no takers!). Before my "dry patch," I met many wonderful men who were obviously into me, but I was a bundle of insecurity and

Thanks! I don't know how I overlooked that. Oh wait I know- the text is itty bitty and I kept thinking it was under "Settings".

I might change my avatar to Mulan, because I resemble her more than my Mad Men image.

Oh nice! Thank you! What's funny was I was simultaneously excited about the forum and thought, "Oh no! Now I'm going to waste even more time on the internet because there is a whole new world of blogs to read!"

Didn't they used to have a function where people could post a link to their blog or something? I know Gawker had that Banhammer about people self-promoting in their comments, but I could never figure out where you put a link to your blog in your profile settings.

Here's me in Mad Men-yourself form.

Oh geez, anti-bacterial soap? Hearted! ;-)

Oh no! Hopefully by the liveblog we'll both have forgotten this!

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is so great. You have to love a talented comedienne. I've been catching random episodes of "The New Adventures of Old Christine" and it's always worth watching, especially for her. And for anyone who's caught the show, doesn't that one young guy look like iCarly's brother? I just looked the actor

Reminds me of the fortune cookie thing where you add "in bed" to the fortune. My most recent fortune was, "You will have much success in business"..."in bed".