
I usually eat half the burrito at Chiptole and the other half at home. If I go for a bowl, I try to get some chips with it. All the dudes I know, however, make sure to chow down and finish it all in one sitting. Just can't do it!

Tabitha is the HBIC. I love her.

Ha! The Jesus fish was the icing on the cake!

I'm taking it you're referring to hair in the second part of your comment, and good for you! I did the same and got the same mom result. The funny thing is, several haircuts later, my mom wistfully said that the short hairdo was better (than whatever style I was sporting at the time) so things can change. Anyways, if

Ditto here regarding flesh bacteria. I just had a conversation with a lady today who told me about the time she worked in the hospital and thought she had gotten used to the sight of blood. Well, then she had to watch an operation where a young man had an infection which had eaten away flesh from his shoulders and

Gina looks like an action star version of Anna Kendrick.

Ha, my handwriting is terrible! But then my parents would rationalize that as, "She should be a doctor!"

I read Chua's book at a time when I was trying to fix a lot of things in my life (so, uh, within the past year). The "Tiger Mom" book actually gave me better perceptive on my own messed up relationship with my mom and helped me view mom as a person as opposed to some tyrannical Tiger Mom. Chua thought she was

Well, Tina did say in her book that she wanted Alice to [maybe] become an architect. Methinks Tina is conflicted.

Geez, that's what my parents say everytime my brother and I try to tell them all the money they sunk into SAT-prep courses was a waste (re: the "hard work"). "But it worked! He got high scores!" No, dummies, he actually scored within his testing percentile- in the scheme of things, it wasn't an improvement at all.

Ditto. Still recovering here. You've written my life story. It's kind of embarrassing to read my resume/credentials only to know a few years later it all crashed and burned.

People need to stop looking to others for advice on raising their kids and just look at their kids. Each child is different you can't raise them all the same way within your home, much less within the same country or planet.

I'm fortunately not a parent, but sometimes I look at my friends and family and wonder how they could possibly have forgotten what it felt like to be a child themselves.

Seriously. It's unfortunate that wearing basic/classic, well-made clothes went from being the norm to being something most people have no clue how to do. If you're wearing clothes that fit, you're already doing better than 90% of the population (as evidenced by the comments below in this thread about baggy pants, mom

Yeah, on second thought, it's the wannabe young hipsters that shop there- the ones that pile on every hipster accessory in desperate efforts to look "cool". Although I am surprised by your original comment that Urban Outfitters was so popular in NYC.

You could probably blame it on young hipsters who have mom and dad's money to spend during freshman year.

I totally agree. I get a sense I must be wearing something right if my grandma gets excited over a coat I'm wearing because I look back on old family photos and everyone looks so sharp due to wearing classic, well-made clothes.

It's like he's thinking Yeah, I ended up being the hot one. What's up? with a nod towards us.

What movie is this from? It's driving me crazy!

Yes! That's the picture!