Other Tall Guy

It’s a great argument. And it’s absolutely right. I just wish it would actually work with conservatives, who excel in climbing the ladder that government leaves for them and then attempting to pull it up behind them. See Ryan, P. and Thomas, C., among many, many others.

Do I think Arsene should go? Probably. It’s time.

But the WOB (Wenger Out Brigade) are usually such a bunch of vicious, venal, spoiled pricks.

Arsenal wouldn’t be where and what it is today without him.
Some “fans” ought to recognize that.

If we’re sending him off, it ought to be a Viking funeral or an Irish wake.
Not a

True. But at least Bush might’ve been fun to have a beer with back in his coke n’booze days. Trump’s pretty much always been an asshole.

I’m really sorry. I coached at a D-III school for a few seasons where most of the athletic department held other roles with the school (professors, administrators, etc.). I’ve never seen coaches who really went out of their way to understand their players as people and help them off the field like those coaches did.

I work in advertising. We really did ruin everything.

Sorry, everybody.

Yeah. At D-II and D-III, where sports are part of the student-athlete experience, but not the end-all/be-all.

There are lots of smaller schools where sports (and their coaches) are put in their proper context. In those schools, everybody understands that it really is just a fucking game and that there are far more

That was the most violent example of the karma boomerang in recorded history.
(And totally worth it, too.)

That’s an evil genius play.

“Oh, you’re going to put a big man on the inbounder? Here’s our tiny point guard to set a blind pick.”

Jesus. Woj and Zach Lowe are now the Warriors of NBA writing.

I can’t remember where I read it, but someone once wrote: “People with authority tend to shove it down your throat. And the smaller the authority, the bigger the shove.”

TSA and customs, especially—they just fuck with people because they can, and woe be unto you if you dare to talk back.

Oh, so this isn’t AS racist as it could be? Oh, cool.
Nice to see we’re setting the bar high here.

Not to mention that a lot of these people who are now being turned away have already been vetted and approved for visas.

This from a group of people who are choosing to ignore the law—or at least the judicial branch—and inflict something quasi-legal, at best, on people who are guilty of absolutely nothing.

“Welcome to America. Now get the fuck out, brown people with different rituals.

We’re just going to assume you’re all dangerous without any real proof.
Just saves time.”

(Divac smiles proudly, wipes a tear from his eye.)

God, this. We should, at the very least, expect our presidential administration to speak in complete sentences, answer questions, and NOT FUCKING LIE to our faces daily. Let’s try not to set the bar too low. That’s how Trump got here in the first place.

Kinda torn here, too. On one hand, the Sixers are one of the NBA’s classic teams, and the league’s always better when they’re good or, at the very least, not historically awful.

On the other hand, I’d really hate to see the relentless mocking of Hinkie and his whole #disrupt mindset ever stop.

Shame is so 20th century, Alex.

This gives them the chance to cram at least 4 years of retrograde, backward-thinking laws down America’s throat (let’s be real here, Dems don’t vote in mid-terms), and carve out some nice pieces of that sweet gubmint pie for their pals. Why would you pass up a chance to do that?

Only one


“Get off my lawn, pull your pants up, and turn down that rap music with your hippin’ and your hoppin.’”

Dude, you had to figure out a way to relate to 12-14 adult males, not solve society’s ills.

This. The cycle of “Harden—the guy you love to hate/Harden turns over an awesome new leaf” is a lot of fun to watch.