
That’s at LEAST Fluffy sized.   100% would love to see David try to replace his busted Mail Jeep motor with it.

+1, I always start with better tires followed by brakes before any power or suspension mods.

Tires.  You can mod the crap out of everything else on your car, but if you can’t grip, you’re just wasting your money.  I finally got a set of summer tires this year, a bit wider than stock, and I can take a corner like I never could before.  It feels like a completely different car.  Always start with tires.

Stupid never sleeps.

Tar Snake

I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t even care about who wins the
COTD. I just click on the link out of curiosity to see what pic $kaycog is going to post. Which is ridiculous, in its own way, because 1) she’s pulling from images online and 2) hard-core porn is free and plentiful online, which is NOT what she posts.