
Eeverything the Mets’ front office does is built around having scapegoats in place. Look at this past weekend. Callaway looks like an asshole, Jeff Wilpon gets to descend from the heavens and gush about how sorry the team is and how rude this was, and the NY media focuses on how much Callaway sucks both as a person

MAN that truck is spewing.

If you have to ask, you’re on the wrong site. 

I know a couple folks who drowned at Yosemite. One was a BASE jumper who was trying to avoid an arresting and thought he could get away. Didn’t find his body for months, evidently there’s a big nasty hole by the meadow at the base of El Cap.

Even Bruins fans have to deep down know that nobody should be shedding tears for them. No doubt this was a bad miss. Bruins have been the beneficiaries of that all playoffs, it was bound to come back around.

Removed for trying to own minority.

I, for one, am shocked- shocked!- that Steve Blass missed the mark.

Yellow jackets and hornets don’t really swarm, unless they’re attacking. When honey bees swarm, it’s due to overpopulation in the parent colony, so half the population leaves to found a new colony. Yellow jacket and hornet colonies usually only last for a year and die in the winter, with mated-queens overwintering in

It’s Yacht Rock...XM Channel 70 all summer long for those sweet sweet tunes

Every single acting performance on the show has been outstanding, and you’re complaining that they didn’t use actual Russians for a British/American joint production?

Is it personal at this point? Sure, Laura has laid out many of the times they have attacked her and other Deadspin writers specifically. But I don’t think that fact that they have a personal history should downplay all of the spiteful shit that company has built its name doing. I think the dude you replied to has

As a Boston native, I think I know how this went....

And then that motherfucker started talking about me behind my back in that fucking book he wrote. After I paid him all that money...

Easy Tiger...

Hank Haney fucked up Tiger Woods’ swing (and back) and probably prevented him from winning 5 or 6 majors. The only reason Woods won any majors while Haney was his coach was because of his putting.

Supervillain?  Give me a brake.  He’s an asshole.

Nope. The Conductor operates the doors, deals with dispatch/police/passenger issues and ultimately has the final say on when to leave a station. On the subways the “operator” is called a Motorman, on all other types of trains they are called Engineers.

Aww hex, I’m #008000 with envy that I didn’t think of it first.

In many states varsity high school hockey is not sanctioned through USA Hockey but typically through a state high school athletic association. This way they coordinate with schools (e.g. academic eligibility, other sports, etc.). I know this is how it goes for Michigan, and am pretty sure varsity in NY is the same.

He totally gleamed that other dude’s cube.