
A pig as a sitcom dad? Maybe!


That comparison might be more cruel than the suggestion that Jim Spanfeller is the crap upon the pig’s giant nutsack (he is!).

Hey that piece of shit nestled between that pig’s enormous testicles looks just like Jim Spanfeller! Uncanny!


This is the sports-only content I come here for.

“Yes absolutely, but we don’t fire people for it.”

Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.

<Looks at sink> You’re not a clean person. You should be embarrassed by both your sink and the fact you didn’t just use a Brillo pad.

<Looks at sink> You’re not a clean person. You should be embarrassed by both your sink and the fact you didn’t just u

A star for the NIN ref.

Master of his domain.

The S is silent.

2019 Subaru Outback w/ Eyesight. I’ve noticed the sensor ident sealant as a painted line on several instances, especially in one particular spot near not far from my house. Just an observation. I’m not saying it’s good or bad and I’m just referring to the blinky warning on the display not the actual lane keep assist.

Capable and off-putting. I typically drive with the departure warn left on but the self-centering turned off. One thing I’ve noticed is the sensors are so sensitive that lines of crack sealant are enough to set off the warning.

Pivot to video content.

“Yo bruh Mitch on Kinj talkin shit. Gonna needya dig it all up. Lemme know how broke he is.”

A minor, apparently.

Go back and look at his batting stats for the month of August.

I don’t know the answer to that question. Maybe it’s as simple as Ramos asked for the day off. Look, I know the Mets have a long history of ineptitude rarely seen in professional sports but there has to be more to this an sticking it to a player.

Ramos got rest the Saturday before. I understand splits but in a September [long shot] wild card race you go with who give you the best chance to win. Having come off a quality start against Washington with Ramos catching you hope that carries over and you have the better hitter in the lineup. But Syndergaard saw