
Who could have foreseen these conflicts of interest??? They’d [potentially] have another one if Jed Lowrie weren’t in a coma.

Which is all bullshit because he can’t win regardless of the decision.

This is totally a Mets move. I gotta have Mrs. Met draw up a cease and desist.

The only way this could be worse is if they couldn’t sort it out until July 2nd.

I see what you did there, Mack.

This is very common for spring / early summer water entries. The water is so high and so swift bodies get caught up in eddies or lodged in subsurface crevices and aren’t found until after the rivers start to recede. I spent a summer in Yosemite and the day we arrived (May 18) a woman was swept off a Mist Trail

“Look, in general the car looks great and I realize you’re the original owner but do you really expect me to pay that price with all those scratches on the underside of the splitter??”

Take your base.

LOL who wants to tell him?

Judging by this comment medium is a bit too small. At least an XL wiener.

He’s an adonis.

Long live Pittsburgh Phil, one of my favorite Penguins ever. He’ll never have to buy a hot dog again in Western PA. If you love something set it free. Godspeed, Phil, never change.


Exhibit A:

It looks like a Happy Meal toy from the mid-80s.

Stop it with the ‘supervillian’ bullshit like it’s some cute comic book story.

Generally speaking the driver is an engineer and a conductor typically takes tickets and assists passengers within the train. MTA subway trains rarely have workers assisting passengers on the train as fares are paid upon entry to the station and the agency couldn’t give less of a shit about the passenger experience.

Sounds like he was calling in from his house and that was probably his wife.

I think of Russ Wheeler from Days of Thunder...a name that was a little too on the nose.

1 year isn’t enough, IMO.