Looking forward to the “this is not who I am” non-apology apology.
Looking forward to the “this is not who I am” non-apology apology.
Ferland sure will think twice next time he has the opportunity to lay a clean hit after that severe beating from Backes.
Also the most accurate.
Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout, Willets?
Well, Donald is president but after looking at his daily schedule I wouldn’t exactly call it work.
The dude is going to cash a big fatass check after signing a NDA knowing exactly how everyone will interpret a settlement: they colluded.
According to our NJ town the secondary plastics market has gone to shit. So much so that starting Jan 1 the town’s recycling contractor no longer accepts plastics other than those marked 1 or 2.
Textbook example of how an enforcer can be an important deterrent to dangerous plays. A hit like that would have never happened had a heavyweight like Wilson had been on the ice.
But why the picture of Ted Cruz?
Facts are now opinions? Got it.
Quite a burden to carry.
Dumb’a shit!
Damprid is the shit. I used the much larger bucket version to dry up water that collected in the floorboard of my car. It takes a few weeks but it works.
Damprid is the shit. I used the much larger bucket version to dry up water that collected in the floorboard of my…
“Put down the fuckin Dawn, I’ve been working on that seasoning fer 23 years!”
“Put down the fuckin Dawn, I’ve been working on that seasoning fer 23 years!”
She wants to be a martyr in the worst fucking way but no one gives half a shit.
¡Si Señor!
Too many zzzzs
But when is he going to take responsibility for that turtleneck sweater?
It’s an absolute cesspool.