A Fully Non-Operational Tom Bombadil

I agree with Rob - in articles like these, the lack of a nuanced moral conversation and the general sense of shaming anyone for not hating Louie is tiresome. I’m a woman and I don’t think what he did was ok by any means. It also seems to me from listening to interviews he’s been in since that he has genuinely learned

i am a lefty, I like Rogans show but dont listen all the time (3 hours a day is a lot, and im not really into hearing about hunting elk for hours on end, ill eat it though!). He listens to what his guests has to say, injects his personal thoughts and just generally does a good job getting people to talk, the Bari

Joe Rogan has had a positive influence on my life and i havnt plaid him a cent for thousand of hours of entertainment and inspiration. He’s definatly not an asshole.

I hesitate to even ask this, because you’ve already given so, so much, but there is a severe shortage of faux outrage in under-developed nations. Millions could benefit from your deep well of superficial empathy over causes both overblown and nonsensical, as a distraction to the tedium and oppression of their daily

Tripling down on your humorlessness here is not helping your cause. Dude was clearly just making dumb jokes.

Two Enlightened Boddhisatva looked down upon poor humanity, enchained by human desires, needs, loves and hates. The Enlightened Boddisatva were, at that time, still not totally certain where humanity’s minds were to be found, regarding their own bondage. They longed to approach a human, to ask him or her to explain

Magna has been teasing us with concept vehicles every couple of years, with some powered by CNG, natural gas, PHEVs, or EVs, and some powered with small conventional gas motors under 1L. Magna has experience building vehicles end-to-end so perhaps with some government investment (and perhaps some regulatory breaks to

Why do people think something is “wrong” or “going on” with Jim Carey? Is it because he doesn’t want to be pigeonholed into being a jackass and making shit tones of money for essentially playing a buffoon his whole career?

I’ve been hanging around this site for years. Was that the BEST use of my time? Dunno. But it provided an outlet for snarky jokes and pointed me towards some truly amazing shows and movies I never would have watched otherwise, helping me to steer clear of others that weren’t worthy. Like many other long-timers, I was

Is he though? He’s not really a comedian at this stage, he’s a film director. He always kind of was. Dated jokes aren’t his problem, trying to make points (points many people don’t want to hear in the first place) rather clumsily is his problem.

because social media has made everyone addicted to narcissism and perpetual victimhood?

I’ve stopped engaging in debate most of the time because I know exactly how things are going to go. You can’t have an honest disagreement anymore.

Oh man, how great would that be if the new GMG failed too?

I didnt vote for that idiot. Hell, I didnt vote at all. The American presidential elections are akin to religious indoctrinations, complete with matching colors, paraphanilia, croud fawning chanting, and axiom spouting psuedo-religious figure heads.

Birth of a Nation

I liked Sherlock but eventually I realized that while it’s a show in which mysteries are “solved,” it’s not actually a mystery show. There’s never a sense that the viewer could solve the mystery on his or her own—some random crap happens until Sherlock breaks out his superpowers, casts a mystery solving spell, and

“University State University”????

It’s truly heartening to see a website where nobody commenting on it has ever been the least bit complicit in the exploitation of powerless by the powerful (i.e. meeting the minimum requirement for having worth) course their private lives aren’t really a matter of public record but I have faith that they would stand

So, uh, what other word does “Alec Baldwin” sound like?

Oh the irony of writing an outrage piece on someone who said that the movement is a witch hunt.