A Fully Non-Operational Tom Bombadil


One can still qualify as a cool-ass white person if their Birkenstocks are the plastic ones in army green, right? Asking for a friend.

My HK’er pal tells me “WAY” are the preferred phonemes dude. And like a schmoe, I’ve been saying “WHY” all these years.

Cleverly handled O’Neal and nice treatment of a recent mythological cycle of the anti-hero.

Maybe goldbugs are still a thing in the Delos dystopic future? Or nostalgic rich Canadian assholes?

Wait a second, are you trying to somehow suggest that an abiding faith in the power of entertainment won’t deliver us from evil for ever and ever and will only result in profits for some and a sense of self-congratulatory righteousness for others? Dammit, you paid Russian trolls have gone too far this time!

I appreciate you bringing the old AVC spirit of Reasonable Discussion to this thread ap. I fear it’s a lost cause as the Kinjapocalypse has given the place over to the hair-trigger amygdala set. Anyway, thanks for the brief (largely unilateral) demonstration of how good-faith exploratory discussion works - hopefully a

Yes of course, but what about the brined turkey?

Nah-uhhh, you’re just a big Babylonian.
Ziggurats were built throughout ancient Mesopotamia, including Assyrian, Sumerians, Babylonians - and those total losers, Akkadians.

I have to admit I’ve been intrigued by all his neo-Advaita ranting in various interviews, but that’s just me. I think this movie would be even more forgettable than Man in the Moon. I mean, all the Andy Kaufman worship is only of marginal interest to certain comedians and trainspotters of the American institution of

Woah, wait a minute. The Ziggurats are just a pile of chopped liver?

I think its more a case O’Neal needing to get his snarky and angsty yayas out in an article with no discernible reason to be on the AVC - other than its being really neat.

Thank Dowd for a reasonably dispassionate take on Carrey in Jim & Andy. One of the things I increasingly appreciate about Carrey’s excessiveness is how he can get to compelling even when he overshoots funny.

Finally, something we can all agree on!

Word. Inarizushi are like the donuts of the sushi world.

Capunti godammit! So simple, so perfect. This Rudnick character obviously doesn’t truck with the pasta of the hoi-polloi.

And ambitious in the most improbable way - at least for what would have been expected from Sandler. Plus, the late Shelley Berman kills it with the hummus gag.

The name/comment synergy is high with this one.

Pffft. I'm going upmarket with my hypothetical burger chain:

Miami Blues. That is all.