
“Hey honey, gotta work on the car today. This should only take me an hour or so, and I’ve got everything I need already.”

Damn, my real takeaway is that your mortgage payment was only $550...

What? 1. You can replace pedal covers and carpet fairly easily. Wear smooth shoes while driving if it really bothers you. 2. If you’re in an accident and have to get out of your car quickly, not wearing shoes is going to fuck you up. 3. Driving a manual barefoot hurts my left foot.

Giving up the right of way as a courtesy.

ever owned a truck with this V6? It will change your mind quick.

It’s the “wrong” engine and trans, but a 22RE with a manual in this condition would easily fetch five figures.

It’s almost as if people who choose to be teachers* have some sort of... desire to improve the world a little.

She later says that the teachers should reconsider the walkouts and prioritize their students.

Maybe Oklahoma should triple their oil tax rate to bring them up to the average with Texas, North Dakota, and Montana.

I believe they are talking about one side of a six lane highway. At least that is what the Oklahoma law is in reference to. I know because I am employed to enforce it.

Your comment was far more charitable than mine. My apologies.